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请凭借我这韵文写就的符咒。And, by the incantation of this verse.

好风凭借力,送我上青云。Qingyun good wind with force, sent me.

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我们凭借着上帝的名义将要去向何处?What in the name of God is going on there?

你凭借平均绩点4.0的好成绩离开了大学。You emerged from college with a 4.0 average.

树木凭借他们庞大的根系来储藏水源。Trees conserve water with their large roots.

麦凯恩赖以凭借的不仅仅是他的幽默感。Mr McCain has more than just humour on his side.

你凭借心灵羽翼的轻盈。Thou didst desert, with spirit-winged lightness.

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我愿是您凭借,抚慰您孤单叹息。Let me be Your solace, To embrace Your lonely sighs.

她凭借出色的就射术而获得了一些奖项。She won awards for her skills at the shooting range.

菲利普•拉金仅凭借几首诗就早已名声在望。Philip Larkin's fame could rest on a dozen poems alone.

凭借他们本身的实力,潜在的收购方就所剩无几。There are very few potential bidders in their own right.

也凭借这个扣篮一举拿到了当年扣篮大赛的冠军。With such a slam-dunk, he got the champion for slam-dunk.

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凭借坚强的意志,人类能够移山填海。With strong will, men can move mountain and fill seas.—and

凭借私营经济,印度则将笑看明朝。But India's private economy will give it the edge tomorrow.

凭借着超凡的勇气,伊渥克人和梅斯杀死了哥拉克斯人。With their courage, the Ewoks and Mace destroyed the Gorax.

我凭借未知的魅力征服过其他的人。I had triumphed over others by dint of some unknowable charm.

凭借一个高级的赌场工作者,你可以进行更高的投注。With a high level of your bookie, you can play high bettings.

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凭借和百度的合作,它将有机会进一步提升这一份额。With the Baidu deal, it has a chance to increase this further.

您可以凭借他们的woodsy风味和大叶瓣找出它们。You can identify them with their woodsy flavor and large lobes.

他凭借力量和坚定信念写作,作品经世流传。He wrote with power and conviction, and his work is everlasting.