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上体后倒成半仰卧。After his fall into half supine.

上体辉紫蓝色,腰部更辉亮。Purple-blue upper body, waist-more-hui.

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尽量保持上体自然的姿式。Try to keep a tall natural posture without slouching.

上体密布黄色和黑色相间的细条纹。Upper body over the yellow and black and white pinstripe.

下捋时,上体不可前倾,臀部不要凸出。The next stroke, the upper body can not forward, not protruding buttocks.

水中气泡上体散射函数的模拟与计算。Simulation and computation of bobbles volume scattering function in water.

先将臂部抬起5~6s,然后双腿并扰,抬起与上体成直角。Lifting arm 5-6s, then both legs folding, lifting upper body in right angle.

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从身体姿势看,蹲屈姿势低,上体姿势高。Judging from the body posture, squatting posture is low, and upper body is high.

上体伸展了解在这个自由视频街舞课的霹雳舞。Learn upper body stretches for breakdancing in this free video hip hop dance lesson.

上体全橄榄褐色,脸及胸青灰色,腹部及尾下褐色。All olive- brown upper body, face and chest Green gray, brown under the belly and tail.

然后在以上体位分别测定和比较腰椎间盘厚度、腰椎前凸曲线和硬脊膜囊横断面积。Disc height, lumbar lordosis, and DCSA were measured and the different positions were compared.

女上体位,可以让她面对着你,但如果能让她面朝着你脚的方向会更好。The woman on top. She can be facing towards you, but it's even better if she's facing towards your legs.

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女上体位,可以让她面对着你,但如果能让她面朝着你脚的方向会更好。The woman on top. She can be facing towards you, but it’s even better if she’s facing towards your legs.

当你发出一拳,有意识地将你的非打击手臂的肩部后拉,通过这种方式使用你的整个上体。When you throw a punch, use you entire upper body by consciously drawing back the shoulder of your non-hitting arm.

如果球队拒绝在工资上体现出球员自认的价值,职业足球或棒球球员就拒绝出赛。Professional football and baseball players hold out if their team refuses to pay them what they think they are worth.

用于妇女血症,风症,子宫虫病,下肢关节疼痛,小腹、肝、胆、上体疼痛,心烦血虚,月经不调。It is used for Uterine coccidiosis, Lower limb joints pain, belly, liver and spleen pain, easy angry, menstrual disorder.

263米高的上体观光层和350米处太空舱是游人360度鸟瞰全市景色的最佳处所。Tourist can get a bird's-eye view of the city at the 263-meter-high observatory room and the 350-meter-high "space cabin."

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有益于人体平衡系统的锻炼,以及上体的锻炼,塑造完美的形体。The exercise helpful to human body's balanced system, the exercise of and the upper part of the body, mould perfect physique.

由前者产生贯穿两宋始终的文统、道统观念,由后者生成宋代文坛上体派纷纭的现象。The former is responsible for literary and political traditions in Song Dynasty and the latter for phenomenon of literary cliques.

传感反射以加速度计、振动陀螺仪、力传感器获得的信息为依据,通过上体姿态控制、ZMP控制和落地时间控制实现传感反射控制。It describes actualization of a sensory reflex, which consists of a body posture control, an ZMP control and a landing time control.