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这时红军强渡了大渡河。The road crosses the river there.

红军强渡大渡河。The Red Army forced the Tadu River.

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红军是这么强大的一股力量。The Red Army had such strong power.

这时红军来到大雪山。Snow fell all night on the mountain.

更多的红军蜂拥爬上了铁索。More reds now swarmed over the chains.

红军战士打了一场漂亮仗。Our Red Army men fought a good battle.

苏联红军摧毁了轴心国的507个师。The Red Army destroyed 507 Axis divisions.

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不管你去哪里,红军都有埋伏。Wherever you went, the Red Army was there.

红军占领永平后,开凿了两口新油井。Yung Ping the Reds sank two new oil wells.

红军在6月1日到达哈尔登斯莱。The Red Army arrived in Haldensleben on June 1.

他已经代表红军打了两场一线队的比赛。He has played two first-team games for the Reds.

红军年龄从12-24个月,想知道红酒品牌。根据酒。Reds age from 12-24 monthsdepending on the wine.

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他和助手格里普从小都是红军的支持者。Both he and Tord Grip gew up supporting the Reds.

正因如此,女红军的旗帜高高飘扬。The flag of female Red Army soldier waved highly.

今年是红军长征胜利70周年。This year is the 70th anniversary of the Red Army.

第一个路口是红军营南路。The first street ahead is called Hongjunying South.

告诉我红军是在什么地方渡过金沙江的?Tell me where the Red Army Men cross the Jinsa river?

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红军走过二万五千里是众所周知的。That the Red Army Men marched 25000 Li is well known.

红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。The reds fear expedition difficult, vast wounds only.

过去六场比赛中,缺少杰拉德的红军拿下四胜一平一负。The Reds have won four and drawn one of the six games.