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所以,孩子在耳濡目染下就习得撒谎这项技能。Hence, kids must be edified by what they see and learn lying skills.

孩子从父母身上学到的大多是耳濡目染而非刻意教授。Most of what children learn from their parents isn’t taught on purpose.

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武林的一些传说,耳濡目染还是听到一些。Wu Lin's some romances become familiar with to still keep listening some.

我自小就在英格兰长大,对足球可以说是耳濡目染,这女子足球就更不在话下。I had grown up in England and was genetically pre-conditioned to hate women’s soccer.

换句话说,对于新鲜观念,人们需要在耳濡目染后才会作出改变。In other words, people need to hear a new idea multiple times before making a change.

跟随“狂人”几个月的耳濡目染,巴雷西也有几分穆里尼奥的风采。Follow the " madman " uncles and a few months, there are a few Baresi Mourinho's style.

父母是训练员,孩子们也耳濡目染地学会了训练他们自己的小动物。Parents are trainers, children learn the trade by training special “children’s” animals.

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童年时候就受到父亲作为传教士的耳濡目染,赛珍珠形成了对文学的力量执着信仰。From her evangelical childhood Buck emerged with an abiding faith in the power of fiction.

魏翠霞从小耳濡目染,很快就爱上了剪纸这门民间艺术。Wei Cuixia to poetry since childhood and soon fell in love with paper-cut folk art that door.

让孩子耳濡目染电影与新闻报道中的暴力与犯罪行为是很糟糕的。It's too wrong that babies are unclothed to films and reports approximately crime and violence.

而在父亲的耳濡目染下,他热爱音乐并且琴艺过人。Being influenced by his father, he developed passion for music and he has outstanding piano skills.

耳濡目染种种丑陋形象却又束手无策,联系自身的困难处境,感恩之心又能从何而来?。Osmosis various ugly image but helpless, with their own plight, Thanksgiving can come from the heart?

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文化的这部份内容是通过成长环境和家庭耳濡目染学到的。This part of culture is learned unconsciously simply by growing up in a particular community or family.

八岁小志工跟著父母耳濡目染,把环保当作自己份内的责任。This eight-year-old has been long influenced by his parents and does his share to protect the environment.

我对父亲的文化的了解来自纽约州锡拉丘兹的美籍阿拉伯人社团的耳濡目染。What I knew about my father’s culture was filtered through the Arab-American community of Syracuse, New York.

由于妈妈是个厨师,从小耳濡目染啲他也非常喜欢炸油条。Since mother was a cook, from a young age influenced him very much enjoy the deep-fried deep-fried dough sticks.

那些古老的至理名言一代传一代,我们早已耳濡目染,可是其中的一些名言却愚蠢无比。We often hear those wise old sayings handed down from generation to generation, but some of them are just plain stupid.

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这些早期的耳濡目染,加上后来我们回到纽约后在中文幼儿园半日入托的熏陶,都还没能将我们的儿子打造成一位享誉太平洋两岸的企业精英。That early input, followed by half-days of Chinese preschool in New York, hasn't yet produced a junior trans-Pacific CEO.

经过多次的共同战斗和方天翼合理的部署,新四军的所有队员都已经耳濡目染,大有长进。After a lot of fight and physical reasonable deployment, the new fourth army of all players have been exposed to, very well.

对于这些宗教哲学与我从小耳濡目染的西方宗教是如此的不同,我深感诧异。I've been amazed at how different the philosophy of these religions are from the western religions that I was raised around.