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他是故事大王,天生的好口才。He was born to chat.

我天生鸽趾。I was born pigeon-toed.

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吉辛是一位天生的作家。Gissing was a born writer.

他天生是鹰钩鼻。He was born a hooked nose.

他天生是鹰钩鼻。A. He am born a hooked nose.

他也是个天生的观察家。He was also a born observer.

她是个天生的表演者。She’s a natural entertainer.

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我们是天生的修正主义者。We are natural revisionists.

你真是位天生的演员。You're a natural-born actor.

帕迪是一个天生会讲故事的人。Paddy is a natural raconteur.

有些人天生就是冤大头。Some people are born suckers.

这男孩天生聋哑。The boy was born a deaf-mute.

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他天生就是好嗓子。He was born with a good voice.

我天生厚嘴唇,长官!I was born with big gums, sir.

从某种意义上说,我是一个天生的杀手。In a sense, I'm a born killer.

有些女生就是天生爱哭。Some girls are natural criers.

女人是天生的“购物狂”吗?Are women inborn “shopaholics”?

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人不会天生就是奴隶"Man is not made for servitude."

或者天生的蓝眼睛和红头发?Or with blue eyes and red hair?

他们是天生一对。They were meant for each other.