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它们在视野中物象周围,产生有色环纹。And they produce colored fringes around objects in the field.

人们使用的物象的特征非常重要。The characteristics of the images one uses are very important.

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“物象化论”是广松哲学的重要方法。"Versachlichung"is an important method in Hiromatsu's philosophy.

当然,按透视法画出的物象显很逼真。Ofcourse, the perspective of the images painted in very realistic.

所谓正面光,就是光线从正面平射到物象上。The so-called positive light, is light images from the front-Shedao on.

“造型”和“线条”一般是指物象在作品中是如何被塑造的。Form and Line generally refer to the how the subjects are shaped in the piece.

此画没有用明暗法也画出了物象的光分布。This painting is of no use to draw the shades of images of light distribution.

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任何一个人怎样才能抵制这种潮流,竞争物象的潮流。How can anyone be expected to resist the tide, the torrent of competing images?

审美拯救包括物象、道德和心性等几个方面。The aesthetic redeeming includes several areas such as image, moral and temperament.

迪斯尼乐园的经典人物象米老鼠、唐老鸭和睡美人都参加了开园的庆祝游行。Disney characters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Cinderella paraded at the event.

绳结的“结”作为物象名词,在中文里经常被用作形容内心难解的、郁结的意象。"Knot" as a noun of object is often used to describe the undissolvable and pent-up emotion.

“非瞬间”的艺术造型主要涉及到视角的运动、物象的运动以及意象的时间性三方面内容。Non-instant arts mainly concern the motion of perspective and object as well as temporal image.

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境离不开象,但又不等于象,而是超越于画中物象之外的深层意蕴。It does not equal to image, but is beyond profound connotation of images of objects in painting.

“诗情”与“道性”之间的张力,在僧诗题材的选取、物象的创设、意境的营构等方面都起着决定性的作用。The tension between charm and character is a decisive factor in theme, image and artistic conception.

其中的“物象原样兴现”即指托物起兴。Therein, " associational representation of things" means poetical development by association with things.

“具象艺术”当指以这种具体存在的物象为母题或描绘对象的艺术。"Art is like" When refers to the existence of this specific Motif or spirits for the art objects depicted.

象征主义手法覆盖了作品的各种物象,大海、大马林鱼和狮子都赋予了象征意义。Symbolism covers a variety of images of the work, the sea, big marlin and the lion are given symbolic meaning.

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他询问他曾看见过的澳门的天主教堂,以及我们的救世主曾经在上面流过血的十字架物象。He asked about the Catholic churches at Macao, and the images he had seen of our Saviour bleeding on the cross.

历史上还没有一位人物象成吉思汗那样引起众多截然不同的评价,并且这种争论将永久持续下去。No one else in the history has ever caused so different evaluations as Chinggis Khan has, which will continue for good.

半坡村的原始艺术家已经开始把具体的物象变形成装饰性的图案,并在其中注入某种观念。The primitive artists of Banpo Village began using pictorial designs for decorative purposes and express abstract thoughts.