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求偶的水蟒团成一个球。A mating ball of anacondas.

鸳鸯做出求偶表示然后进行交配。Mandarin duck displayed and copulated.

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鲜艳的色彩可以适应求偶的需要。Bright-coloured colour can adapt to the need of courtship.

男女之间在傍晚初临时分的求偶活动被品牌啤酒及热狗所加温。Early-evening courting is fuelled by branded beers and hot dogs.

最后她认同了雄蛛的求偶仪式,接受了他的聘礼。Finally she acknowledges his attentions and accepts his advances.

雄性蜥趾龙在求偶时会展示背脊的刺毛。Males use a mid-body ridge of spines to display in courting rituals.

求偶的表现包括雄鸟抖松羽毛的炫耀行为。Courtship will include display in which the male fluff up his feather.

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你一辈子一定要看看这些傢伙跳过求偶舞之后,你才算没白活。You haven't lived until you've seen these guys do their courtship dance.

我们的求偶仪式快速的变化,以致我们无所适从。Our courtship rituals are rapidly changing, and we don’t know what to do.

讨论了粘虫求偶雌蛾性信息素腺体提取物中各组分含量的个体差异。The individual variation of each component in the extracts was also discussed.

比如说吧,对大型企鹅来讲,张大嘴打哈欠就是它们求偶仪式中的一部分。Adelie penguins, for instance, employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual.

雄性吼猴利用牠们的大嗓门去争夺食物,求偶,或宣示领土。Male howler monkeys use their loud voices to fight for food, mates, or territory.

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黄腹角雉雄鸟的求偶炫耀为典型的正面型。The courtship display bhaviour of Cabot's Tragopan is of typical frontal displays.

伊文找到人提供资金研究松鼠猴的求偶习惯。Evan found someone to fund his research on the mating habits of the squirrel monkey.

伊文找到人提供资金研究松鼠猴的求偶习惯。Even found someone to fund his research on the mating habits of the squirrel monkey.

火烈鸟的求偶舞是大自然最奇怪的景象之一。One of the strangest sights in nature is the courtship dance of the lesser flamingo.

这种求偶行为会持续三四个甚至多达六个星期,在求偶期间,它们不进食。Courting may last three, four, or even six weeks. They don’t eat during the courting.

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不知你们北方,管这种求偶之歌称之为什么,我们这儿称它‘叫春’!I do not know your North, what name is called to this song of courtship. Here we call it troat!

她向后退去,意识到一只母雁最后终于回应了它古老的求偶声。She retreats, realizing that a Canada goose has finally answered the ancient call of the gander.

翅翼带有斑点的雄果蝇在跳舞求偶时,会刻意展示斑点给雌果蝇看。In wing-spotted species, the male displays his spots to the female as he courts her with a dance.