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不要让失败成为你的拦路虎。Don't let failures deter you.

六盘山,拦路虎,费用高。Liupanshan, stumbling block, the high cost.

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有时候,压力和焦虑会成为创造力的拦路虎。Sometimes stress and anxiety can get in the way of creativity.

他万万没想到在他前进的道路上竟会出现这么多拦路虎!He never expected that there were so many barriers in his way forward.

你的房子坚守到最后,做一个大房地产项目的拦路虎是有回报的。Owning the last house standing in the way of a big real estate project can pay off.

国际机构允诺给予更多援助,但是缺乏安全保障仍是拦路虎。International agencies have promised more aid, but lack of security stands in the way.

印度遇到的第2只拦路虎就是在这个难以驾驭的民主国家,大规模的基础设施改建及更新项目往往会引发许多问题与争端。Then there is the issue of upgrading the infrastructure on time in a fractious democracy.

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烦恼、懒惰和失败,这些拦路虎被想象夸大了,使得疲于奔命邓恩评论。Boredom, laziness and failure . These bugaboos, magnified by imagination, keep runningDun's Review.

但是更加棘手的问题也随之而来,贝鲁如果当选,如何组阁管理,和谁搭班,这似乎成为他优势地位的“拦路虎”。Yet hard questions about how Mr Bayrou would govern, and with whom, seem to have stalled his ascent.

当你因拿不出新想法而变得愈发焦虑时,拦路虎看起来就愈发强悍了。And when you get even more stressed because you can’t come up with new ideas, you make the block even stronger.

如果每次一开始都不能正确的架构,企业数据存取将成为一个主要拦路虎。If not architected correctly from the very beginning, enterprise data access can become a major problem down the road.

当挫败和问题出现时,你不该把它们视为拦路虎或路障,你应该把它们看成是成长、进步的过程。When setbacks and problems come up you need to view them not as walls or roadblocks, but as part of the growth process.

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直到最近,许多人相信中国和印度才是全球气候变化谈判中令人棘手的拦路虎。Until recently, many believed that China and India would be the real holdouts in the global climate change negotiations.

当企业遇到拦路虎的时候,员工自然士气受挫,通常怒火也会滋生,但解决不了任何问题。When organizations hit roadblocks, people naturally get upset, and often their anger shows, but that doesn't resolve anything.

但这一原则相对于反垄断公益诉讼而言,则成了直接的拦路虎。But if the Anti-monopoly Public Interest Litigation follows this principle, it becomes the direct barriers and stumbling block.

另一方面,最近一些观察家预测漏电流和功耗将成为未来发展的新的拦路虎。In recent years, however, some observers have predicted that leakage and energy consumption looked like significant roadblocks.

黄河水的高泥沙问题,一直是滴灌技术在沿黄灌区推广应用的“拦路虎”。The fact that Yellow River is plenty of mud is the obstacle which drop irrigation is applied in the Yellow River drainage area.

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就像我告诫自己太年轻一样,如果你让这些信念束缚住你,那么它们总会成为你的拦路虎。If you let your beliefs limit you, like I almost did by telling myself that I was too young, then these beliefs will always hold you back.

与此同时我也小心谨慎,不让自己陷入完美主义者的漩涡,因为这只会成为创新和进步的拦路虎。But I also am careful not to pour into the obsession of the perfectionist, which quickly becomes a hindrance to creativity and improvement.

作文是中外语文教学中的一只拦路虎,不少学生“谈文色变”,不少教师一筹莫展。As a main obstacle in language teaching both in and out of China, writing has been feared by many students, and has been a nuisance to many teachers.