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天军天使遥相呼应。From heaven in answer rang.

这句口号和后来的社会达尔文主义种族观几有遥相呼应之势。It struck powerful echoes in a time of social Darwinist racism.

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街道别的角落里也传来了同样的哭声,似乎同她们遥相呼应。As though seconding them, similar wails rose up in other parts of the street.

这些抗议样的涟漪,并通过其他活动遥相呼应,因此信息的传播。Those protests sort of rippled and echoed via other activists so the information spread.

这幅伪色拼图呈现出土星云层的侧面轮廓,云层与土星炽热的内核遥相呼应。This false-color mosaic shows deep-level clouds silhouetted against Saturn's glowing interior.

上海东方明珠塔位于陆家嘴末端,黄浦江畔,与世界著名的上海外滩遥相呼应。It locates at the end of Lujiazui, the bank of the Huangpu River. It echos the famous band at a distance.

瓶身花纹相间,两只喜鹊遥相呼应,象征吉祥如意,喜事连连。The bottle pattern alternate with, two magpie, symbol of luck and echo each other at funerals repeatedly.

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世博轴是世博园区主入口,与远处的中国馆遥相呼应。The Expo Axis serves as the main entrance to the Expo site and coordinates with the Chinese pavilion from afar.

两部伟大作品遥相呼应,形成了中国古典文学悲剧精神的并峙高峰。The two works echo with each other, standing for the two peaks of tragic spirit in Chinese classical literature.

他还公布了另外一项有趣的调查,显示居民与非居民的专利申请数是遥相呼应的。Another interesting finding, he says, is that the rise in resident filing is mirrored by non-resident applications.

空气中渗透着泥土的清香,脚下的小草与头上的蓝天遥相呼应。The air one breathed was saturated with earthy smells, and the grass under foot had a reflection of blue sky in it.

最终形成“羊西线餐饮一条街”和“海鲜不夜城”的东西遥相呼应。Finally, Catering Street of Yangxi Line and All Night Long Seafood City will echo each other from afar, east and west.

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这种对人的自由的基本和欢悦的渴望与我们在从突尼斯到开罗的整个地区所听到的声音遥相呼应。This basic and joyful longing for human freedom echoed the voices that we had heard all across the region, from Tunis to Cairo.

更重要的是,李濂的讨论是和嘉靖中叶朝廷上的儒臣在讨论这些课题时所表现出的新范式遥相呼应的。More importantly, Li Lian's view echoed the new paradigm in assessing Confucians , made by court officials during mid-Jiajing period.

而纯绿、碧绿、橄榄绿三色融合使得屋檐和窗户熠熠生辉,似乎是与未来屋顶的铜锈色遥相呼应。And the three colors of green-plain green, blue-green, and olive green- brighten the eaves and windows, echoing the future color of the copper.

与服装遥相呼应的是史钟颖作品,其作品引用贾科梅蒂健硕的外型,创造出形态各异的人物姿势。In dialogue with the dresses, Shi Zhongying's works draw references from Giacometti's sinewy forms to create cocoon-like figures in various poses.

绍兴纺织服装类专业市场规模较大,与周边专业市场遥相呼应且反映国内纺织品价格的变化。The wholesale markets are sweeping enough to echo each other with peripheral product markets, and they show the fluctuation of the price of domestic textile.

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距离现在更近的教皇保罗六世在1976年回应了一个与之遥相呼应的观点,认为同性恋是“可耻的,声名狼藉的、恐怖的事情”。A view echoed by a more recent incumbent of the Petrine Inheritance Pope Paul VI, when he remarked in 1976 that homosexuality was, "shameful, infamous and horrible."

皮日休生活转折带来政治热情的消长以及性格气质的变化,创作主体心态与此遥相呼应,互为表里。Changes in his expeience caused increase or decrease in political enthusiasm and transformation in disposition. The writer's state of mind echoed the changes from afar.

遥相呼应的“新时代”在这本书的理念,明星朱莉娅罗伯茨,谁扮演在影片利兹说,在人物的后尘帮助她认识的旅程。Echoing the "new age" philosophy in the book, star Julia Roberts, who plays Liz in the film, says following in the character's footsteps helped her understand the journey.