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他给马套上马具去耕田。He tackled the horse up for plowing.

我们耕田锄地直到胳膊酸痛肿大。We plowed and hoed till our arms were sore.

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简朴的农夫正忙着耕田种地。And thrifty farmers, as they tilled the earth.

农时耕田播种,闲时读书码字。Farming tillage seeding, leisure reading code.

农民耕田播种,瞩望于收获。Farmers plough and sow in prospect of the harvest.

当然,你可以用骡子来耕田,没问题。Sure, you can use a mule to plow a field, it works.

但是地里旱得厉害,他甚至都没办法耕田。But the field is so dry that he can’t even plough it.

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开春后,农民们开始耕田播种了。Farmers begin to sow shortly after the coming of spring.

陶令不知何处去,桃花源里可耕田?Now that he can till fields in the Land of Peach Blooming?

以此时耕田,一而当五,名曰膏泽,皆得时功。In a while at plow, and GaoZe, all five named proclaim work.

掌管耕田种地的是基绿的儿子以斯利。Ezri son of Kelub was in charge of the field workers who farmed the land.

村长带着几个人为村里的孤寡老人代耕田地。The village head led several farmers to plough for the heir less elderly.

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我耕田种地,然后参加酒吧的聚会,没有男人能超过我!I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into bars, and no man could head me!

我家的水牛刚死了,没它帮忙耕田,那我怎能下田作业呢?。My buffalo has died, without its help to plough, how can I work in the fields?

如今耕田耘地多换上了机械,养骡喂马的把式早已派不上用场。Now the fields are ploughed by machine, and the horses and the mules are of no use.

结果表明,南沙土地覆被类型以耕田、水体为主。The result indicated that the Nansha land cover types mainly are farm land and water.

农夫拿起木板,当头叩了驴子一下,驴子就拉著犁耕田了。The farmer gets the board, raps the donkey on the head, and off it goes, pulling the plow.

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耕田的水牛不时地从汽车旁穿过,而且随处可见公路两旁席地而坐的当地居民。Buffalos were running aside the car. Local people were often seen sitting alone the highway.

两人结婚后,牛郎耕田种地,织女纺线织衣,恩恩爱爱。After their marriage, the Cowherd ploughed and the Girl Weaver wove and they loved each other.

我们的骨头、散在墓旁、好像人耕田、刨地的土块。Our bones are broken up at the mouth of the underworld , as the earth is broken by the plough.