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无意向窗外望去看到一轮弯月。I see luna from my window.

意向不明。One's intention is not clear.

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有意向的买者并不会因此却步。Would-be buyers are not deterred.

他吐露出一点他的意向。He let fall a hint of his intentions.

签定合作意向协议书。Sign the cooperation intention agreement.

考林也认为你的意向决定一切。Collins agrees that intention is everything.

那被看做是,完全正确,一份意向申明。It was seen, correctly, as a statement of intent.

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您将来会有佩戴的意向吗?Would you like to wear jewelleries in the future?

不符合各种意向使用要求。The non-conformance to intended usage requirement.

有意向者可以获得试用原料。People with intention can obtain the trial materials.

请与我们联系洽谈合作意向。Contact us to disc uss the possibilities for cooperation.

有合作意向者,欢迎随时联系。Have intention to cooperate, welcome contact at any time.

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欢迎有合作意向的客户同我们联系。Customers with cooperating mind are welcome to our office.

本周中国取消了美国未装船大豆购买意向。This week China cancelled open US soybean unshipped sales.

我们没有收购萨博还有其他的国际品牌的意向。We're not interested in Saab or the other brands out there.

欢迎大四有意向参加实习的同学与我联系。Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.

我们有意向在非糖尿病患者中开展临床研究。We are now starting clinical studies in nondiabetic patients.

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一份有效的简历应该清楚地注明求职意向。An effective resume should include a clearly stated objective.

另一个使家人转变观念的方法是进行意向测试。Another fun way to wean your family is to conduct taste tests.

投资者意向抛空,股票持续下滑。Stocks continue their slide with investors favoring a sell-off.