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让我从头说起。Let me start at the beginning.

马吕斯感到一阵寒噤,从头颤到脚。Marius shivered from head to foot.

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从头开始一起做小饼干。Bake cookies together from scratch.

我们准备从头开始。We prepare ourselves to start anew.

我的工作又得从头做起。I'm back to square one with the work.

六州铁铸从头错。Six-iron from the ground fault state.

你需要从头学习如何相信别人。You have to learn how to trust again.

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如果复发,从头开始上述步骤。If you relapse, start the process over.

我们刚刚将它从头建完。We just finished rebuilding everything.

他把这姑娘从头到脚打量了一下。He looked at the girl from head to foot.

他在新希望的激励之下,又从头做起。Animated by fresh hope, he started again.

他把晨报逐页从头看到尾。He read the morning paper cover to cover.

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那位姑娘拿定主意,决心从头做起。The girl made up her mind to begin again.

他在新希望的激励之下,又从头做起。Animated by fresh hops , he started again.

罠我没有放弃,我只是从头开始。I'm not giving up, I'm just starting over.

凯希从头到脚都有湿。Casey has eczema from her head to her feet.

在处理这类情况时,我们没有可以从头开始的有利条件。E. g. He has the advantage of a steady job.

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他弄得从头到脚都是泥。He got coated from head to foot with slime.

全新自信,从头开始。New self-confidence and start from scratch.

从头注入到含水层是不常见的。Re-injection to the aquifer is less common.