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利诱我,威胁我,你永远无法杀死我。Will me, thrill me, you can never kill me.

它不能用金钱买到,或者通过利诱或武力掠夺获得。It cannot be bought, or gained by lure or force.

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在高薪的利诱之下,许多教师都改行经商了。Higher salaries are seducing many teachers into business.

外部的利诱可能走不通,但是,通货膨胀的压力就成了可能。Foreigncajoling may not do the trick. But inflation might.

就算你对我软硬兼施,利诱和恐吓我,我都不会出卖我的上司的。I will not betray my boss regardless of your threats or promises.

金钱的利诱不会带来真正的成功,真正的成功来自于爱和热情。True success is not money driven, it's driven by love and passion.

收集黄金的利诱,使他们成为下载噱头在互联网上。Collect golden carrots and turn them into download gimmicks on the Internet.

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这让伊朗反美势力认为美国对他们执行的始终是一种威逼利诱的手段。This makes a so-called carrot-and-stick approach to Tehran counterproductive.

无论你怎麽利诱,它就是没有那种慷慨的冲动,滴水不放。It will not be tempted into any generous impulse. Every drop it gets, it keeps.

并且威逼利诱受难者家属保持沉默。It says they also tried to silence the victims' relatives with bribes and threats.

她采取利诱和威胁并用的方式,获得了政治上的巨大成功。By using persuasion in combination with threats, she achieved great political success.

在高薪的利诱之下,许多教师都改行经商了。Many teachers have switched to business because of the temptation of the high returns.

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在高薪的利诱之下,许多教师都改行经商了。Many teachers quit their jobs and go into business under the temptation of high salary.

学长学姐对不通世故的学弟学妹威逼利诱,诈取珍贵的卡片。Older pupils would fleece younger, less sophisticated ones to get hold of prized cards.

一个更有说服力的结论是,促进民主的利诱和现金都失败了。A more persuasive conclusion is that promoting democracy with inducements and cash has failed.

建筑物的灯光看起来跟星星似的。而世贸中间废墟零点地带的纪念光束比这些建筑物更有利诱性。the buildings resembled stars. outshining them all was the tribute in light above ground zero.

但是在自豪感、荣誉和大量的金钱的利诱之下,兴奋剂欺诈也正在增加。But with pride, glory and huge amounts of money at stake, drug cheats too are stepping up their game.

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我平居为媒体对单身只身女性的进攻和诬蔑而认为利诱,直到有一天我意想到这里边的猫腻。It used to baffle me why the media loved to do a hatchet job on single women, until I sensed something fishy going on.

我不知道对每位温和派人士用的都是什么样的威逼加利诱策略,但我确实知道了其中一些策略。I don’t know all the individual carrots and sticks that were used on the moderates, but I did find out about some of them.

在这世界上,信任是一种弥足珍贵的东西,没有人能用金钱买得到,也没有人可用利诱和武力争取得到,它来自一个人的灵魂深处,也活在灵魂里的清泉,它可以拯救灵魂,让心灵充满纯洁和自信。It cannot be bought, or gained by lure or force. It comes deep from one’s soul, and lives in the clear spring of the soul.