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那么,重点是什么呢?So, what’s the point?

本课重点活动是1a。The main activity is 1a.

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对,这就是重点。OK, so that's where we are.

这是精要的重点。This is the essential point.

这篇文章的重点在后者。This article focuses on the latter.

其中重点介绍哈里、赫敏和罗恩Introducing Harry, Hermione, and Ron

Kawaguchi将重点放在两个主要的地方。Kawaguchi focuses on two main areas.

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另一个重点就是沟通交流。Another is the idea of communication.

这部分是全文论述的重点和归结点。It is the key points of this article.

但重点不在这里That's not the point I'm making here.

重点词是用黑体字印刷的。The important words are in bold type.

什么是林业的优先重点?What are the priorities for forestry?

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继续抓好重点流域、区域、海域的污染治理。An unobstructed area of land or water.

重点放在大脑-行为的关系上。Focus on brain-behavior relationships.

我儿子在一所重点中学学习。My son studies in a key middle school.

世行目前的战略重点是The Bank's current strategy focuses on

然后学着平衡你的重点。Then learn to balance your priorities.

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主要监测对象为重点村的农户。Targets are households in key villages.

重点放在非西方作家的作品。The emphasis is on non-western writers.

教师出示写有重点短语的小黑板。There are some important phrases on it.