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接着人们便听到大门那边兵刃相交的声音。And then there came, from the gates, the clash of arms.

这些轻枪骑兵身穿皮甲,装备骑枪和单手短兵刃。Lightly armoured in leather and equipped with a hand weapon and a lance.

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寒风像兵刃,饥饿伴随着死神的狞笑。The bise is like weapon, hunger chaperonage the hideous smile of Azrael.

八名吴士手无兵刃,便如打败了的公鸡,垂头丧气的走开。The eight Wu swordmen left crestfallen, like cocks who had lost a fight.

突然间,世界超级大国和新兴强国兵刃相见。Suddenly, the world's superpower and the newest great power are nose to nose.

看来那些人拳打脚踢的时候,还有人拿了兵刃。See period that come to those people's buffet ugg boots hit, ugg boots something took arms.

多数聪明的电影制片人都喜欢在现代电影中将十八般“兵刃”全部都用上。Most smart filmmakers want to parade their facility with all the tools in the modern movie box.

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当分隔双方的塑料片最终被拿起时,这两只小小的角斗士开始兵刃相见。When a piece of plastic separating the opponents is finally lifted, the miniature gladiators clash.

少年游刃有余,完全没有使出全力,连背后的兵刃都没有使用。The youth visits blade enough to leftover, completely didn't use with all strength, even back of the weapons didn't use.

在战斗之前,炮手在他们的炮管里装填满火药、金属子弹、生锈的长钉,以及各色各样的邪恶武器兵刃,甚至偶尔会有加农炮弹。Before battle, Leadbelchers fill their cannon's barrel with gunpowder, metal shot, rusty nails, an assortment of wickedly bladed weaponry, and even the occasional cannonball.