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还是要进行血洗?Still have to carry out blood bath?

侵略者一路血洗而入。The invaders butchered their way in.

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庆幸的是,中国人民的眼睛也渐渐被血洗亮了。Fortunately, the eyes of Chinese people have been illuminated by blood.

对这些得救且用宝血洗过的人,信仰会显露出来。For those who are saved and washed by His blood, faith will become sight.

骑士在第五战中遭遇了32分的血洗,在主场遭遇了令人震惊的失败。The Cavaliers were beaten by 32 points in Game 5, a stunning loss at home.

为父神后嗣,已得救赎,从圣灵得生,宝血洗净。Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.

而是神的儿子,基督的宝血洗净了我们一切的不义。But the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

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在冠军仪式的那晚,芝加哥42分血洗了我们。On the night we raised our championship banner, Chicago crushed us by 42 points.

我们穿过活的皮肤,进入毛细血管,也就是血洗渗过的地方。We pass through the living skin to enter a capillary vessel, where blood oozes by.

杨氏诊所被日军血洗,只有林飒飒的表妹杨欢儿幸免于难。Youngs clinic by Japanese forces, only the rustling cousin Lin Yang Huan son survived.

却不曾想,前方的美莲村早已被日军屠杀血洗。Never think, the beauty of Ephraim village ahead already slaughtered by Japanese army, wash.

在第二次血洗行动时期,77名警察来到这个村子,埃门埃户地搜人。During Kilo Sera 2, 77 police came into this village and went door-to-door looking for people.

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接着开来荷枪实弹的军队,开始了一场血腥的屠杀,血洗中约40人被枪杀。Then came the army of rifle-bearing troopers , a blood bath during which some 40 men were killed.

百官行贿案,他借年羹尧之手血洗江夏镇,使得太子再度被废。Baiguan bribery case, he has made by hand town Jiangxia bloodbath, making Prince Edward spent again.

感谢父神!因为主耶稣的宝血洗清我们双手,从不义中洁净了我们。Thank God for the blood of Jesus that gives us clean hands and purifies us from all unrighteousness !

海宁第二轮遭杜尔科瓦解,克里斯特尔斯第三轮又遭克莱班诺娃血洗。Henin lost in the second round to Gisela Dulko and Clijsters lost in the third round to Alysa Kleybanova.

凭借法尔考的帽子戏法,葡超冠军波尔图主场血洗莫斯科斯巴达。A Radamel Falcao hat-trick saw newly crowned Portuguese champions Porto thrash Spartak Moscow 5-1 at home.

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尽管如此,在地狱般的德拉诺德世界,一支新的兽人部队已经准备好要再次血洗毫无防备的人类联盟。However, on the hellish world of Draenor, a new orcish army prepared to strike at the unsuspecting Alliance.

只有那些罪已被耶稣的血洗除,洁净而无玷污的人才有盼望。The only hope will be for the pure and undefiled — those whose sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus.

他们中的很多人都参加了赛季初那场切尔西U15耸人听闻的9-0血洗曼城的比赛。Many of them had participated in the beginning of the season the Chelsea U15 sensational 9-0 bloodied man city match.