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这是钻井设计书。This is the drilling program.

我希望结果很好。岩石钻井机。I hope it corners out all right.

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接大钻具是我们来日诰日的作事。大型钻井机。To pick up BHA is our work tomorrow.

中原油田是个大油田。听说小型钻井机。Zhongyuan oilfield is a large oilfield.

这就是他忘记带走的那本钻井手册。Where is the dyna-drill which you repaired?

当钻孔机钻井时,石油喷了出来。Oil whooshed up when the drill hit the well.

空气钻井有计划地设计成为必要。It thus necessitates a planned drilling design.

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我是环球钻井公司的鲁卡斯。This is Lucas from the Global Drilling Company.

阿钻床使钻井垂直容易。A drill press makes drilling perpendicular easy.

在取芯钻井井段,选用金刚石取芯钻头。Diamond coring bits are utilized for core drilling.

展望未来,我们充满信心。对于水井钻井机。Looking into the future, we are full of confidence.

该模型可以指导现场欠平衡钻井施工。This model is significant for field UBD operations.

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1859年他开始在宾西法尼亚的泰特斯维尔钻井。In 1859 he began drilling in Titusville, Pennsylvania.

钻井政策“漏洞”,不及时清算土地增值税。Secondly, the introduction of land value increment tax.

我们试过这种解卡剂,而且相当成功。钻井机厂家。We tried the pipe lax material, and quite successfully.

因此,对钻井泵的研究是十分有必要的。Therefore, the study of drilling pump is very necessary.

引起钻井台爆炸的具体原因尚不清楚。The exact cause of the explosion has not been determined.

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当然,她补充道,有数百个钻井平台在那里的。Of course, she adds, there are hundreds of rigs out there.

我是环球钻井公司的鲁卡斯。This is Lucas from the Globisexualng Drilling Compa goody.

小型钻井工程护航船是哪一条?。Which one is the chautomotive service engineers sail boat?