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我就是一个性格内向的人。I’m an introvert.

你是女孩性格的男孩子吗?。Are you a Nacy boy?

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双重性格?A double personality?

他的性格已定型。His character is set.

他失去了他的性格。He lost his character.

他是个性格演员。He 's a character actor.

我拥有双重性格。I have dual personality.

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她的性格给她加分。Her personality is a plus.

她是一个性格演员。She's a character actress.

但他的性格究竟怎样的呢?But what of his personality?

也许是我身上凯尔特人的性格在作祟。Perhaps it's the Celt in me.

我这人是双重性格。This is my dual personality.

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凡有所学,皆成性格。Abeunt are all into character.

他性格开朗。He has a cheerful disposition.

他性格开朗。He has a pleasant personality.

你的性格是黑头发吗?Is your character black-haired?

简的性格十分温柔。Jane is of such a gentle nature.

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他的性格因年令而成熟。His character was matured by age.

卢克有易激动的性格。Luke has a very excitable nature.

她性格很外向。She has an out-going personality.