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血清胆红素是高的。Serum bilirubin levels are elevated.

在人的每毫升血清中约含18毫克。Per ml in human serum contains about 18 mg.

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放免法检测血清皮质醇浓度。The serum cortisol was detected with ELISA.

离心血液后取血清,集中检测。All the blood were centrifuged to get serum.

该血清型已被确定为01群小川型霍乱弧菌。The serotype has been identified as 01 Ogawa.

在绿豆上能结瘤,不属135血清型。The new group did not belong to 135 serogroup.

测定血清S100蛋白浓度。Determination blood serum S100 protein density.

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换句话说,血清性肝炎也是传染性的。In a word, serum hepatitis was also infectious.

在482份血清样品中,有5份为阳性。Among 482 sera samples, 5 samples were positive.

检测血清钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶含量。The contents of serum Ca, P and AKP were tested.

同时全部血清做了斑点杂交对照检测。All subjects were detected by spot hybridization.

所制备的免疫血清与人红细胞内醛缩酶无交叉反应。No cross-reaction with human red cells was detected.

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血清IgM抗体可能持续存在一年以上。Serum IgM antibody may persist for more than a year.

血清钙与磷代谢正常。Serum calcium and phosphorus metabolism were normal.

登革热是一种复杂的疾病,有四种血清型。Dengue is a complex disease, with its four serotypes.

某些血清型大肠杆菌能引起人类腹泻。Certain serotypes of human E. coli can cause diarrhea.

纯化血清可识别MUC1蛋白。Results The purified serum can recognize MUC1 protein.

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采用小鼠中和试验测定血清效价。Serum titers were tested by mouse neutralization test.

第一个被发现的血清microRNA标志物是miR-21。The first serum-miRNA biomarker discovered was miR-21.

而使血清中的抗毒素水平升高。But causes in blood serum's antitoxin level to elevate.