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右股骨作为对照。Right femora acted as controls.

股骨内侧弧的曲线是抛物线。Femoral lateral arcs are parabolas.

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这是一根大象的股骨。And here is the femur of an elephant.

这是一根小小的股骨。That's only a teeny, weeny little femur.

非典型性股骨干骨折。Atypical fractures of the femoral diaphysis.

股骨差不多,是这个样子。This is what a femur approximately looks like.

瓶子上有骷髅和交叉的股骨图形。The bottle had a skull and crossbones symbol on it.

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他们还附赠了,一根驼鹿的股骨。They also gave me one of a moose, believe it or not.

动力髁螺钉内固定治疗股骨远端骨折。Treatment of distal femoral fracture with dynamic condyle.

股骨大体上,支撑着它的身体。And the femur of course carries the body, to a large extent.

股骨动脉瘤性骨囊肿的肉眼外观。The gross appearance of an aneurysmal bone cyst is shown here.

QCT法测定大鼠股骨干骺端的骨密度。Bone density of femur metaphysis of rats was determined by QCT.

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髋关节,转子,股骨,髌骨,胫骨,蹠骨和跗关节。Coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus.

大腿股骨内侧稍微向内扣,感觉大腿外侧有力的固定住。Turn the upper thighs slightly inward and firm the outer thighs.

承载件通常在股骨和胫骨部件之间。Bearings are typically between the femoral and tibial components.

取左侧胫、股骨骨髓,体外诱导培养骨髓基质细胞。Bone marrow was obtained from left femurs and tibias of all rats.

同时股骨髁曲率半径可能存在性别差异。Gender differences in radiuses of the condylar curves were noted.

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采用圆弧和直线形成髋关节股骨侧假体外形轮廓。Only arcs and straight-lines form figures of hip joint prostheses.

取右膝股骨髁关节标本。Specimens of cartilage were harvested from right femoral condyles.

患者本身骨密度高者骨丢失少,假体肩托可部分减少股骨矩的骨丢失。The collar of the stem could reduce bone loss at the calcar region.