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如欲购票,请联络本校校务处。For tickets , please contact the General Office.

弟弟彻信是小学的校务人员。Toru brother who is believed to be in primary school.

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他是麻省理工学院校务委员会成员。He is a member of the Corpaddress of the Massachusetts Institue of Technology.

他是麻省理工学院校务委员会成员。He is a member of the Corporation of the Massachusetts Institue of Technology.

校务委员会决定课程的改动必须得到执行。The faculty committee ruled that changes in the curriculum should be implemented.

妥适安排适度的休閒活动,以健康的身心推展校务。Arrange leisure activities properly to run the management of school with wholesome mind.

秋瑾主持大通学堂的校务,为皖浙起义培训了一批骨干。Qiujin trained one batch of backbones for Anhui-Zhejiang uprising when she managed Datong school.

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安全值勤人员需要到校务办公室签名报到,并拿取穿上黄色执勤背心。Security patrol member needs to sign in at the front office, and gets a yellow vest to be on duty.

本人希望向学校提出分期缴付堂费,并会向校务处登记分期期数。I would like to pay by installment and will register at the office about the number of installment.

在学术委员会和校务委员会中,一线教授代表不少于三分之一。In the first two commissions, representatives for first-line professors will not be less than a third.

大专校院体育课程系必修或选修,最高决策单位为校务会议或教务会议。Whether the physical education courses were required or selective was determined by the school committees.

除了学生,家长和义务工作者以外,外来人员应到校务办公室经允许才可在校内停留。Non-school personnel must check-in in the school office and be escorted by a school person during their stay.

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校务公开是高校民主管理和党风廉政建设的一大举措。Open schooling policy is a major measure for democratic management and honest party construction in colleges.

校务公开是高校内部管理体制改革的一个重要内容,是推行民主政治的基础。Campus-affair publicity is an attempt of university political system reform and a base to generalize democratic polity.

本办法经校务会议通过,报请教育部核定后实施,修订时亦同。These regulations are in effect subject to the approval of the University Council, finalised by the Ministry of Education.

在麻省大学,他曾经担任过校务副校长和麻大在线的创业总裁。At the University of Massachusetts, he was previously the Vice President for Academic Affairs and founding CEO of UMassOnline.

校务委员会制、董事会制、教授委员会制是高等学校内部管理体制改革的取向。The internal management approach tends to establish the Council system, the Board system and the committee system in universities.

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有意申请之家长可于校务处或透过本校网页索取或下载有关表格。Parents or guardians, who are interested to apply, can obtain the form from the School Office or download from the school's web site.

供应尸体由其他人负责,最常见的是解剖课程的辅导员或者校务人员。Supplying human cadavers is left to the responsibility of others, most notably the anatomy course instructors or school administrators.

要完成登记,请将支票交回校务处,并在支票背面写上所参加的活动名称、学生姓名及班别。To complete the registration, please send a cheque to the School Office with name of activity, student name and class written on the back.