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印度只有看了会让人犯傻的宝莱坞电影拿得出手。And here in India, we only have stupid Bollywood.

无知使人犯错,有错当惩前毖后。By ignorance we mistake, and by mistake we learn.

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⊙、女人犯贱是宿命,男人调情是天性。Is the fate of women Bitchy, men flirting is nature.

这可能是新管理人犯得最大错误了。It may be the biggest mistake that new managers make.

2月2日是美国人犯傻的经典之作上演的日子。February 2 is the day for a classic bit of American silliness.

帕克是一名美国金矿勘探者及食人犯。Packer was an American gold prospector and convicted cannibal.

警察花了很长时间对人犯进行了详细的审问。The police took a long time to interrogate the offenders fully.

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神对人犯的任何罪不区分孰重孰轻。God does not discriminate between any sins that a person commits.

一个人犯了错该向人道歉,但不应该卑躬屈节。A man apologizes when he’s wrong, but he will grovel before no one.

意图煽惑他人犯叛国、颠覆或分裂国家罪。With intent to incite others to commit treason , subversion or secession.

但丁说过,女人犯错是英雄,男人犯错会是懦夫。Danty says those women who make constant mistakes are Virago but men Iago.

与其因某人犯错而记恨一辈子,不如选择宽恕。Instead of holding mistakes against them for life, try to forgive someone.

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人道性原则是指一个人犯了罪也享有相应的权利,犯罪人也有人格的尊严。The principle of humanity demands criminals should be treated as a human being.

以色列人犯耶罗波安所犯的一切罪,总不离开The Israelites persisted in all the sins of Jeroboam and did not turn away from them

一个人犯的罪越重,在监狱里待的时间越长。The greater the transgression, the longer the period of remorse necessary for pardon.

满多人犯这个错,甚至有些学者一不小心,也会出丑。The spelling error is fairly common. It even shows up in some scholarly publications.

那抢人犯突然停住了脚步,膝一弯,就和抱在他怀里的德丽莎一起跌倒在地上。The ravisher stopped suddenly, his knees bent under him, and he fell with Teresa in his arms.

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普通人犯同样的罪要进监狱,位高权重者就该逃脱吗?But should the high and mighty get off when ordinary people committing the same crimes would go to prison?

但是,较没有信用卡的学生相比,持卡人犯错的可能性并没有增加或者减小。But the credit-card holders were no more or less likely to commit these errors than students who lacked plastic.

一部分案例也涉及到拒绝参与克格勃扣押人犯的精神科医生。Some of the cases also involved psychiatrists who refused to cooperate with KGB authorities in detaining individuals.