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战争导致两败俱伤。War kills both.

唯美的开始,两败俱伤的结局。The beginning of aestheticism, internecine ending.

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那个曾经,似乎惨不忍睹,最终两败俱伤。The once, seem to be miserable, eventually internecine.

中美之战必然会两败俱伤,但是中国不要畏惧。A war with America would be "lose-lose", but China should not be afraid of it.

英语的国际化开始导致一种英语本身和各国语言两败俱伤的状况。The internationalization of English has begun to provoke a twofold enervation.

与美国的一场战争可能“两败俱伤”,但中国不应当对此感到害怕。A war with America would be " lose-lose", but China should not be afraid of it.

成功不该是一场两败俱伤的游戏,但事实上,这就是就是我们正在进行的游戏。Success shouldn't be a zero-sum game, but evidently, that's the game we're playing.

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让南北两边的人杀个两败俱伤然后某个人坐收渔利。Get the south and north side gangs to kill each other so someone else can take over.

只告诉她们,巫妖王已经翘辫子了,而伯瓦尔佛塔根与他两败俱伤了。Tell them only that the Lich King is dead, and that Bolvar Fordragon have died with him.

直到一次相同的刺杀任务,夫妻俩暗斗的结果是两败俱伤。Until a same assassination duty, the couple fight darkly the result is mutually wounded.

两家生产商开展了一场激烈的价格战争,其结果可能是两败俱伤。The two producers are engaging in a cut-throat price war which may end in disaster for both of them.

越大,越发达的国家,越无法跟对方开战。会两败俱伤的。The larger, more advanced nations cannot afford to go to war with each other. It would destroy both countries.

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掐住对手痛脚的双方,口水战的结果似乎只能是两败俱伤。Clutch lives the both sides of adversary painful foot, the result of saliva battle can be internecine only it seems that.

经过大战,二者两败俱伤,降龙重伤,他的金身也化为了金色的雾气,与此同时,伏虎胸口一阵闷痛。After the war, the two party dragon wounded, his gold also turn to golden mist, at the same time, around my chest was dull.

如不分科,就会造成了语言教育和文学教育互相掣肘、两败俱伤的局面。It may lead to an internecine situation if Chinese language teaching and literature teaching were interblend into one subject.

他一肚子的幸灾乐祸,只盼双方打得热闹非凡,斗个两败俱伤。That would make for a more exciting fight, he thought gloatingly . Ideally both sides would get hurt and all of them be losers.

加上后天运行失范,其力图实现效率的愿望也化为泡影,造成了公正和效率的两败俱伤。In addition to the illegal practice, realizing efficiency became a visionary hope. This made justice and efficiency internecine.

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尖锐的劳资矛盾冲突、大规模的罢工、闭厂,使得劳资双方两败俱伤。The strike with acerb contradictory conflict massive labour and capital shut out make both sides of labour and capital internecine.

纳粹德国视白俄也如同野兽。侍机报仇带来的只会是两败俱伤。现在你还想让历史重演吗?。Nazi german also sees the Russian as animal. Seeking revenge only bring death and tragedy. Now you want to repeat this cycle again ?

我们坚决反对把经贸问题政治化,坦率而言,经贸问题政治化损害的不仅是对方利益,而且将两败俱伤。We must oppose attempt to politicize trade issues. Politicizing trade issues will harm the interests of not just one side, but both sides.