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扫帚和簸箕。A broom and dustpan.

请骑上你们的扫帚。Mount your brooms, please.

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一只扫帚可怕地扫尽。A broom is drearily sweeping.

骑着扫帚飞到了屋顶。Flying to the roof on a broom.

没有扫帚我无法扫。I can't sweep without a broom.

每个人都骑上扫帚。Everybody mounted their brooms.

现在我的扫帚在哪里?Now where did I put that broom?

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那有一个巫婆骑著扫帚在飞!There's a witch flying on broom!

门子的后面有一把扫帚。Behind the door there is a broom.

是石内卜。它在对扫帚下咒!It's Snape! He's jinxing the broom!

使用橡胶扫帚擦,比如窗户。Wipe with a squeegee as of a window.

他从二十英尺高的扫帚柄上掉下来。He falls twenty feet from a broomstick.

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我扔下扫帚,恨恨地大喊起来。Dropping my broom, hate yelling to rise.

这可说不过去——我们有新扫帚。There was no excuse----we have new brooms.

他们忙着用扫帚和拖把打扫卫生。They were hard at it with brooms and mops.

亚麻籽,桦木条做成的扫帚,槭糖flaxseed, birch brooms, maple sugar, goose

到达扫帚糜子盛开的茶。Arrived the tea broom corn millet blooming.

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这没有什么理由可讲---我们已有了新扫帚。There was no excuse --- we have new brooms.

请把扫帚放在房间里的角落处。Please put the broom in the corner of the room.

好像要支开她似的,妈递给莎蒂一个扫帚。As if to be rid of her, Ma handed Sadie a broom.