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罗马人的浪漫是“醉醺醺,赤裸裸”,历史学家诺尔.棱斯基说。The Roman romantics "were drunk.

那些醉醺醺的漫漫长夜!Long boozy nights around the fire!

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他昨天醉醺醺的,但现在是清醒的。He was tipsy yesterday , but now is sober.

他每天都喝得醉醺醺的,是个十足的酒徒。He gets drunk every day and is a real wino.

她只希望乔不要醉醺醺地回家来来。Only she hoped that Joe wouldn't come in drunk.

见鬼去吧,不如喝得醉醺醺的,告诉她你爱她。Whatever. Just get drunk and tell her you love her.

她喝得醉醺醺的,抡着马丁的雨伞欢蹦乱跳。Drunk about the place and capering with Martin's umbrella.

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他后半夜才回来,而且醉醺醺的。He came home after midnight, and what's moe, he was drunk.

那天下午晚些时候,库格麦斯醉醺醺地去了帕斯基家。Later that afternoon, Kugelmass showed up at Persky's drunk.

众军官都喝得醉醺醺的,不少人就开始吹捧蒋有财。All the officers are drunk, many people began to flatter Jiang choi.

她父亲太贪杯了,有时喝得醉醺醺的。Her father was too fond of the cup and would lap the gutter at times.

酒吧里队了个老酒鬼醉醺醺醺地靠在酒台边上外已空无一人。The bar was empty save an old bottle propped against the side of a booth.

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她的行为越来越古怪,有时在舞台上都是醉醺醺的。Her behaviour became increasingly erratic, and she was often drunk on stage.

男护士特别漫不经心,喝得醉醺醺与漫游的机率是一般的两倍。Male nurses were particularly cavalier, boozing and cruising twice as often.

我们就不会说那些醉醺醺、没在工作的人,只是“拖拉”。We don't call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of working.

这个醉醺醺的英俊男人,当时正热烈地暗恋着自己的导师苏格拉底。Alcibiodes, drunk , a beautiful man, hopeleseely in love with his mentor, Socrates.

在派对上的时候感受切深,独自一人,醉醺醺的,周围围绕着有魅力的女人。I feel this most when I'm at a party, single, drunk and surrounded by attractive women.

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有好几次,她醉醺醺地出现在夜总会与电视表演现场,以至于无法唱完全场。Several times she showed up to her club or TV performances too drunk to sing a whole set.

的确有一个词专门指“睡在地板上连毯子都没盖,还喝的醉醺醺的,赤身裸体”。There’s actually a word for “to sleep on the floor without a mat, while drunk and naked.”

我和我的男朋友在三年前一个醉醺醺的新年前夜派对上在一起的。My boyfriend and I got together at the end of a boozy New Year's Eve party three years ago.