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这使我有点困窘。This embarassed me somewhat.

他困窘得直抓头皮。He scratched his head in perplexity.

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我的脸因为困窘而发热了。My face went hot with embarrassment.

她对这人的大胆感到困窘。She felt abashed at the man's daring.

你是否因犯错误而感到困窘呢?Or do you feel embarrassed by mistakes?

当她滑了一跤跌倒时,我替她感到困窘。I was embarrassed for her when she slipped and fell.

为什么有那么多农村劳工的生活如此困窘呢?Why should the lot of rural workers be so miserable?

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作为一个受害者,我们无力、心酸、困窘。And as a victim, we are powerless, bitter, and stuck.

她因不愉快的场面而感到十分困窘。She felt very awkward about the unpleasant situation.

我们很可能因思绪的中断而感到困窘。We are likely to be disconcerted by hiatuses of thought.

哪怕是想一想我愚蠢的行为,我都感到困窘不安。It embarrasses me even to think about my foolish behavior.

困窘和敌对是刚毅和自立更生的天然土壤。Hardship and opposition are the native soil of manhood and self-reliance.

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债务危机使投资者陷入困窘的两难境地。THE debt crisis has presented investors with an extremely awkward dilemma.

这个问题使我感到困窘不安,我回答说懒惰是我的主要癖好。Abashed at this question, I answered that sloth was my besetting temptation.

这也是我生平头一回遇到的学习上的困窘.It was my first time ever in my life to meet such an embarrassment in study.

我点颔首与困窘、告诉他,我却是愿意做,第三次。I nodded with embarrassment and told him that I'd like to do it a third time.

在困窘的日子里,他们在印第安纳州盖瑞市简朴的家庭厨房里合奏。Rainy days were spent harmonising in their modest family kitchen in Gary, Indiana.

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头部的空间亦充裕,可是身高1.8公尺的乘坐便有点困窘。Foot well is sufficient for any adult. Headroom is good for an adult not taller than 1.8m.

当涉及性的话题时,我不喜欢看到她那不自在,尴尬和困窘的表情,现在我自己的身体有了相同的不安反应。I hated how awkward and embarrassed and offputting my mother became about the subject of sex.

尤其是关系到令人困窘、不名誉或亲密的事情更应如此。This is especially so when they concern matters that are embarrassing, shameful, or intimate.