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DAK总部在什么地方?Where are DAK headquarters?

它是内巴顿在地球的总部。It is Nebadon's headquarters.

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利比亚发对派将总部搬至的黎波里。Rebels to move HQ to Tripoli.

我们的总部设在香港。Our headquarter is in Hongkong.

他们在纽约设立了总部。They head-quartered in New York.

诺基亚公司的总部在芬兰。Nokias headquarters is in Finland.

你好,隆。我是总部的金姆。Ok, sure. When did you have in mind?

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FBI总部的电话响了。The phone rings at FBI headquarters.

它是壳牌的总部。which is the headquarters for Shell.

中国比亚迪在洛杉矶建立北美总部。BYD puts N. American headquarters in LA.

这本书是由总部位于西雅图的亚马逊网站售出。It was sold by Seattle-based

这家黑店的总部设在国外。The secret store is headquartered abroad.

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福特汽车公司的总部在密歇根州迪尔伯恩市。Dearborn, Michigan is Ford's headquarters.

新公司会将总部设在巴黎。The new company will headquarter in Paris.

我们要调你赴公司的总部。We're transferring you to our head office.

我们总部位于。Plainsboro So we are located in Plainsboro.

微软公司总部设在西雅图。The headquarter of Microsoft is in Seattle.

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他们把总部设在了斯温登。They located their headquarters in Swindon.

尼尔共同体总部设在马纳提县。Neal Communities is based in Manatee County.

各国、各区域和总部的工作人员Staff in countries, regions and headquarters