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我们跳上单车,风风火火地向商场进发We jump on our bikes and peddle off to the arcade.

他们把社区活动搞得风风火火,有声有色。They successfully organized many activities in their community.

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但是我没有让他变成一个风风火火的孩子。But I didn't have anything to do with turning him into a whiz kid.

她说话不喋喋不休,做事不风风火火,待人不大大咧咧。She doesn't talk endlessly, act rushly and treat people carelessly.

国庆假期将到,看,我的祝愿风风火火地来了!National Day holiday will to, look, my blessing to the USSR to! ! ! ! !

姜暮烟风风火火地冲进广播室,一把扯过手机,拔腿就跑。Ginger both smoke rush to rushed into the studio and torn a cell phone, ran.

当春迈着愉快的脚步走了后,紧接着热情的夏又风风火火的赶来了。When spring with happy steps, followed by a warm summer came here and power.

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这周真是太疯了,从周五一直到周日,每一天都过得风风火火,觉得时间过得好快。Crazy weekend. From Friday to Sunday, every day is fresh life, feeling so fast.

她做事总是风风火火的,妈妈说她不像个女孩。She is always in a great hurry and for that reason mother says she is not like a girl.

然而,你的行为有可能太过于风风火火,甚至频繁打乱日程安排。This may prove to be an exhausting time, however, so pace yourself and schedule frequent breaks.

眨眼间,另外两个人也站了起来,一齐风风火火地投入繁忙的准备。In an instant, the other two were on their legs, and all were actively engaged in busy preparation.

风风火火地刷信用卡来采购物资,确实很有诱惑力,但大多数情况下,这并非好主意。Rushing out and putting everything on credit cards may be tempting, but in most cases this is a bad idea.

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韦德也许会风风火火地登场,因为奥运金牌的激励而充满能量,他也许会在场上摔倒七次但是有六次都会爬起来。He might come out of the gate on fire, energized by that gold, he might go down seven times and get up six.

新时期风风火火的散打王争霸赛反映了当代中国武术文化中深刻的思想内涵。In recent years, the Sanda matches reflect the ideological intension of Contemporary Chinese Wushu Culture.

我们俩一把拽过父亲在二次大战中用过的陆军毛毯,紧裹在棉睡衣外面,风风火火地跑了出去。We grab my father's World WAR II army blankets and wrap them tightly around our cotton nighties. Our pace is quick.

米青风风火火的赶到家发现妈根本啥事没有,吃了饭后米青问妈让她回来到底什么事啊。M green power hurried home found mother what things all have no, ate meal of rice green asked anything mom let her back to the end!

不再打打杀杀,风风火火闯九州,万事无激情,对不起,你已经老了。No longer the dozen dozen kill, the breeze breeze fire fire rush nine states, ten thousand matter have no intense emotion, sorry, you already old.

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停住在千年前的那一个热火朝天的作坊场面,停留在那一路风风火火的茶担挑夫队伍中。Down in the thousands of years ago that a be in full swing in the workshop scene, stay in that way be rash and too much in haste tea Tam Porter team.

鲍尔默有着风风火火的个人风格。他不知疲倦地为他的公司做宣传,每年转着圈地在全世界参加各种会议和活动,进行几十场演讲。He has a blustery personal style and campaigns tirelessly for his company, speaking at dozens of conferences and events each year all over the world.

中国和俄罗斯犯不着与美国交战。我们在自我毁灭这条途径上走得风风火火。他们该想我们是有多蠢啊。China and Russia dont need to war with the United States. We are doing a great job bankrupting and destroying ourselves. What fools they must think we are.