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她是个引人注目的人物。She is a conspicuous figure.

那件红衣服真引人注目。That red dress really screams.

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引人注目的样式因素都是额外的。All the stylistic eye candy was extra.

没有什么引人注目的东西。There was nothing compelling about it.

UCSB如此引人注目是有许多原因的。There are many reasons UCSB stands out.

我们至今还没有那样一部引人注目的作品。We don't yet have that galvanizing work.

那座塔衬托着蓝天引人注目。The tower stood out against the blue sky.

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“熊真是太引人注目了,”哈洛说。“Bears are just remarkable,” Harlow says.

这个班已有引人注目的进步。The class has made noticeable improvement.

她活泼开朗、活力四射-引人注目。She's outgoing, vivacious – larger than life.

聚会因许多名人而引人注目。The party glittered with many famous persons.

结尾笔锋一转尤为引人注目。Thetwist at the end is especially noteworthy.

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最引人注目的还是房屋的千篇一律。Most striking is the architectural uniformity.

新闻标题,顾名思义,应该简短而引人注目。Headlines, by definition, are short and catchy.

高高的个子使她在其姊妹中分外引人注目。Her high height sets her apart from her sisters.

这里最引人注目的就是炳灵寺石窟。Here is the most eye-catching Binglingsi Grotto.

即使不引人注目也有被清廷的权利。The right to be loved without having to earn it.

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这是长崎市历史上非常引人注目的时刻。It is an intriguing moment in Nagasaki’s history.

最引人注目的地方就是拥有一个大泥炭炉。The centre of attraction was the large turf fire.

他是我哥哥埃米尔,他很容易引人注目。This is Emile, my brother. He’s easily impressed.