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戴上风镜,戴上风镜!Goggles on goggles on!

下次我带我的风镜来怎么样?Next time I bring my goggles ja?

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佩带防护风镜或经许可的安全眼镜。Wear protective goggles or approved safety glasses.

外出要戴口罩、风镜、帽子,减少暴露部位。Go to wear masks, goggles, hats, reduce exposure site.

时尚、舒适、个性是卡丁风镜的最大特色。Fashion, comfortable, personality are the mainly specialty of carting goggle.

卡丁摩托车配件经营部是引领中国风镜开发及销售的公司之一。Is one of the leading companies in creating and selling goggle area in China.

从那片黄色的风镜往外面看,Coughlin教授的领带显得很暗淡。Viewed through yellow goggles, the bright colors of Professor Coughlin's bow tie appear dim.

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请问滑雪风镜是否有戴眼镜和没戴眼镜者使用的分别呢?Yes, some goggles allow you to put glasses in. I wear one from Bolle, and my glasses fit it very well.

风镜主要是用玻璃制成,也有用天然水晶的,但价格极为昂贵。Goggles are mainly made of glass, or occasionally natural crystal, but price of which is extremely high.

也许他透过爱的风镜看我,我的伤疤,酒窝以及其他特征也是独一无二的。Maybe he sees me through the goggles of love, and sees my scars and dimples as cherished features that are unique to me.

20世纪初,专供驾驶用的风镜便成为富有和时髦的象征了。In the early 20th century, the goggles used exclusively for driving had therefore become the symbols of wealth and fashion.

卡丁摩托车配件经营部是引领中国风镜开发及销售的公司之一。Zhuhai City, Hui-Wen Department of industrial equipment operation is a research and development, production and services enterprises.

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在开始的栅格他来回踱步了,不断地擦亮他风镜,链子抽烟的香烟或者狂热嚼一团胶。On the starting grid he paced to and fro, endlessly polishing his goggles, chain-smoking cigarettes or feverishly chewing a wad of gum.

滑雪器材主要有滑雪板、杖、靴、各种固定器、滑雪蜡、滑雪装、盔形帽、有色镜、防风镜等。There are ski ski equipment, sticks, boots, all kinds of fixation, ski wax, ski equipment, helmet-shaped hat, tinted mirror, wind microscope.