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精密度亦佳。The precision is also good.

纹身的确是一件精密度很高的艺术工作。It's true precision art work.

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重现性、精密度、稳定性良好。Reproducibility, precision and stability was good.

该方法简便了煤和土壤中砷的消化和测定,精密度高,检出限低。The method is simple, rigid and low on the detection limit.

对所有项目进行精密度验证和正确度验证。The precisions and accuracies of all parameters were verified.

此方法快速简便,准确度高,精密度高。The method is rapid and convinent and with precision and accuracy.

并对各种方法的精密度进行了比较。The precisions of various methods are also compared in this paper.

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结果HPLC法提高了前列腺素E_1含量测定的精密度。Results HPLC improved the determined fineness of Prostaglandin E_1.

并对激光法粒度测试的精密度及准确度进行了探讨。The precision and accuracy of grain test using laser method were probed.

这些元素的检出限和测定精密度令人满意。The detection limits and precision for selected elements are satisfactory.

验证项目应当包括专属性和中间精密度。Validation criteria should include specificity, and intermediate precision.

环的部分填补可能会导致较差的进样溶剂精密度。Manual partial filling of loops may lead to poorer injection volume precision.

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方法简便、准确、重现性好、精密度高。The method is simple, accurate and with good repeatability and high precision.

分析了该测定方法的检出限、精密度、准备度及可行性。The detection limit, accuracy, feasibility and sample preparation are analyzed.

还对此分析方法的精密度、准确度以及检出限等有关指标进行了探讨。It also makes analysis on the indexes of precision, accuracy and detection limit.

配有自动润滑系统,可确保机器精密度和使用寿命。The automatic lubricating system ensures machine precision and prologs service life.

方法简便、快速,具有良好的凖确度和精密度,结果令人满意。The method is convenient and rapid with good precision, accuracy and satisfactory results.

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中央自动润滑系统,可确保机器精密度与提高机器耐用度。Central automatic lubricating system, guaranteeing the precision and the wear of the machine.

采用日本制精密培林,精密度高,寿命长。加装齿轮组黄油润滑装置。Japanese bearings—high precision and durable. Add gear lubrication system. Quality guarantee.

合金钢材质经热处理,研磨修边刀,刀口锋利,精密度高。Alloy steel via heat treatment, grinding blade , enable to keep sharp edge and high precision.