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那次聚会在他脑海里影象犹新。Fresh The party was fresh in her memory.

使用有图有字的闪卡影象生字。I use flashcards to remember new English words.

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病人的高烧使他的影象丧失净尽。The patient's high fever deleted most of his memories.

不克不及成为你旳独一,但也想成为你旳影象。Can't be your only one, but also want to be your image.

这个影象被投射到一个扫描摄影机的胶片上。This image is then projected on the film of a streak camera.

他被要求依据影象把现实写上去。He was asked to set down the facts just as he remembered them.

她在这两个影象之间摇摆不定,不知道该相信哪个好。Between these two images she wavered, hesitating which to believe.

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大脑细胞贮存影象郭德纲机理并不为情不自禁了了。The mechanism by which minds store memories is not clearly understood.

它是一只长耳跳鼠,并且这也是这种稀有啮齿动物首次影象。It's a long –eared jerboa, and this is the first-ever video rare rodent.

安塔尔感到埃什卡还活着,并保存着自己这位曾经的师傅的全息影象。Antares, aware that he had survived, also kept his former Master's holocron.

其中一张照片,是一个脸色苍白的年轻女子,望出一个窗口的影象,。In one of the photos was the image of a pale young woman looking out a window.

如同意义战构造,念像也有助于影象。Like meaningfulness and organization, visualization is also helpful to memory.

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由地形坡度引起的影象配准误差及目标区最佳尺寸分析。The analysis of registration error from terrain slope and the best target size.

我将咖啡罐的盖子盖好,也将全部闭于迈克的影象尘启起来。The lid goes back on the coffee just like closure on the whole Mike experience.

在需要时,从临床上和影象学上对肢体长度进行评定。Leg-length discrepancy was assessed clinically and radiographically when needed.

我是游魂,满大街的游走只为找到那温存的影象。I was swimming soul, full avenue for the migration of finding that warm memories.

它只能被移植到一只眼睛中,因为另一只眼睛需要获得外围影象。It can only be used in one eye because the other is needed for peripheral vision.

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这包括音频和视频的材料例如磁带,胶卷或影象记录。This includes audio and visual material such as tapes , film or video recordings.

这张照片被复制成正片一样,实际上是显示玻璃影象的负片。This photograph is reproduced as a negative to show the glass image as a positive.

老种鱼的侧面影象。今天阳光很猛烈,照片似乎是过度暴光。A side profile of the old brooder. Photo is over-exposed due to today's strong sun.