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如何克服这种惰性呢?How can you overcome this inertia?

非暴力并非惰性,也非被动。Non-violence is neither inert nor passive.

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热惰性小,升温迅速。Thermal inertia of small, rapidly warming.

我真的应该采取措施来屏除我的惰性了。I really have to do something about my laziness.

迎合用户的惰性是一把双刃剑。Appealing to users' laziness is a two-sided coin.

“悦性、变性和惰性食物”的理论是从何而来的呢?The Yoga Diet is one the Five Principles of Yoga.

无色,无味,不燃,惰性,压缩气体。Colorless, odorless non-flammable, inert compress gas.

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即便不求上进的人也面临惰性的问题。Even thenonstriving person has the problem of inertia.

因为它没有电子,所以具有化学惰性。Since it has no electrons, it must be chemically inert.

硅酮通常都很稳定,属惰性聚合物。Silicones in general are exceptionally stable and inert.

我住的旅馆也秉承了某些古老的惰性。My hotel, too, had absorbed some of this ancient inertia.

元素氮是一个十分不活跃的惰性物质。Elemental nitrogen is a very unreactive and inert material.

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这两种情绪都让作为普通公民的你充满惰性。Both these moods leave you -- the ordinary citizen -- inert.

在金属表面形成的惰性的磷酸盐薄膜。To form a thin film of inert phosphate on the metal surface.

非蒸汽浸渍活性炭是惰性和无毒。Non-impregnated steam activated carbon is inert and non-toxic.

这些懒汉必须从不愿工作的惰性中解脱出来。The lazybones must be aroused from their unwillingness to work.

他的政治惰性让江及其亲信放松警惕。His political inertia disarms and appeases Jiang and his loyalists.

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对那个年代的满意是基于道德上的一种惰性。Much of the contentment of that time was based on moral obtuseness.

错!其实是人先被惰性征服,所以感情才会变淡的。Wrong! Who is eroded by conquest, so the feelings will become weak.

对大部分化学原料惰性与无化学反应且对金属中性反应。It is also inert to most chemical agents and neutral to pipe metals.