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距离最近的银行网点有多远?What is the distance to the nearest bank branch?

他们在阿尔及利亚也有分布网点和同伙。It has distributed networks and affiliates in Algeria.

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这些纺织品是通过经销网点销售的。The fabrics are merchandised through a network of dealers.

集团员工10000名,分布在46个国家的578处服务网点。The Group has 10,000 employees, in 578 locations in 46 countries.

结合半色调网点和线条图形的相片或菲林。A single print or piece of film combining half-tone and line work.

网点还分不同的形状,有圆形,方形,棱形。Network also points in different shapes, a round, square, rhombus.

康宝在全国及海外建立40多个分销机构、1000余个销售网点。Canbo built about more than 40 sales branches and over 1000 dealers.

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您可以使用酒店的雪具寄存处、免费停车场和上网点。The hotel also offers free ski storage space at the nearest ski lift.

网点相片可以放于拼贴上,当作线条稿复制。A screened print can be used for paste-up and reproduced as line copy.

在体检中心网点数量与医疗品质之间,爱康将永远选择品质。Between quantity and quality, the latter will always be iKang's choice.

截至去年六月底,工行在中国内地拥有超过16,000家的网点。ICBC had more than 16, 000 outlets in mainland China at the end of June.

在全国大中城市的营业网点布局上。On the distribution of branches in the large and medium cities in China.

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借助于相邻网点处的设备互连起来的两个域。Two domains interconnected by means of equipment located at adjacent nodes.

对于一个最多360个网点的网络而言,其周长可达720公里或450英里。With 360 nodes maximum, the perimeter can be AS long AS 720km or 450 miles.

本教程教你简单制作网点和线性光效果照片。Open the image you want to add the linear light and halftone dot effect too.

新政策的目的在于招揽客户、分流储蓄网点柜台压力。The strategy aims to attract new customers and ease pressure at the counter.

另外,对于零售店面,即便是星罗棋布的销售网点,也是能够建立起来的。Additional retail locations, even of the "pop up" variety, can be established.

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这可能是由于胶片上的网点不具有足够的黑度。This may be due to the film world does not have sufficient surface emissivity.

肉芽肿疾病胸片显示网点状致密阴影。Granulomatous disease by chest radiograph can appear as reticulonodular densities.

在系统网络体系结构产品中,对将要在某个网点上使用的操作键标进行加密的一种键。In SNA products, a key used to encipher operational keys that are to be used at a node.