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但农行的盈利状况落后于竞争对手。However, its earnings have trailed those of its rivals.

农行与农业的历史关系一向很复杂。AgBank's historical relationship with agriculture has been complicated.

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牛克蒙没有申请贷款,也不清楚农行官员为什么会来。Mr. Niu didn't solicit a loan, and it isn't clear why the AgBank officials came.

农行为此花费了大量精力来将坏账转移成为政府支持的资产管理公司。It took time to transfer that bad debt to a government-backed asset management company.

财政部和中央汇金现在共同持股农行。The Ministry of Finance and the sovereign-wealth fund now share ownership of the lender.

这是上个月中国自农行上市以来今年的第二大IPO。The IPO is China's second largest this year after Agricultural Bank of China's last month.

中国四大国有银行中,只有农行还没有上市。Agricultural Bank is the only one of China's big four state-owned banks that hasn't gone public.

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根据协议,农行提供三年期每年30亿元的综合授信额度。According to the agreement, the bank provided 30 billion annually triennial comprehensive credit lines.

在退休前曾经工作在金融领域的李国红,对于农行更多的是持悲观的态度。Li Guohong, who worked in finance before she retired, is more pessimistic about the AgBank's prospects.

公司已连续三年被中国农行天津分行评为“黄金客户”。The company has continuously been awarded as "Gold customer" for three years by China Agricultural Bank.

过去几年中,农行一直在尝试向农村发放贷款的新方式。Over the last couple of years, AgBank has been experimenting with new ways to get credit to the countryside.

农行上市的发起方将其面向中国农村经济的业务作为一个优势,这也是中国政府刺激方案的重点。AgBank's promoters cast its exposure to China's rural economy, a focus of government stimulus, as a strength.

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农行的A股上周五收于2.69元,比2.68元的发行价略微上涨。AgBank's Shanghai traded shares closed at 2.69 yuan Friday, up marginally from the listing price of 2.68 yuan.

近日,农行上海市分行推出的个人住房转按贷款使这个问题迎刃而解。Recently, the Bank launched the Shanghai branch of the individual housing loans refinanced this issue resolved.

最近,中国国有银行中国农行上市时,没有大型外资公司买入巨额股份。When China's state-owned Agricultural Bank was recently listed, no big Western bank bought a significant stake.

农行的主席项俊波,在成为银行家之前曾是一名战斗英雄,近年来致力于改变农行的面貌。Its chairman, Xiang Junbo, a war hero before he was a banker, has worked hard to turn it around in recent years.

许多的评论员都同意李国红的观点。他们形容农行是中国四大行中“最弱的”。Many commentators would agree with her. They describe the AgBank as the "weakest" of the big four banks in China.

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在一次采访中,项俊波表示农行将在IPO之前引进至少一家国内投资者。In an interview, Xiang Junbo said Agricultural Bank will introduce at least one domestic investor ahead of its IPO.

他说只要农行的分红能够高于银行的利息,他就会计划购买这去股票。He says he is planning to buy shares in the AgBank "as long as the dividends it pays are higher than bank interest".

系统架构确定之后,需要应用到农行远程培训系统中来验证此系统架构的正确性。After the establishment of the architecture, it is needed to verify the correctness in the developing e-learning system.