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今天是我的吉日!It is my lucky day!

恭喜恭喜,今天可是个良辰吉日啊。Congratulations. It's a good day!

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想哪天干,那天就是吉日。Think which day dry, is a lucky day that day.

他们已经选好了吉日,准备结婚。They have already chosen a lucky day to get married.

通书上说今天是个吉日,宜出行。The almanac says that today is a suitable day for going out.

今天吉日良辰,是先生和女士结婚缔结百年的欢乐的日子。Today is lucky day, sir and madam marry a hundred years of happy days.

目前,选择吉日良辰的方法有很多。At present, the auspicious days there are many ways a really good time.

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中国的新娘新郎翻阅通圣,查找吉日和凶日。Chinese couples consulted a special book to find lucky and unlucky days.

按道理,家里有人去世了,是应该选吉日报丧的。Press the truth, home someone died, should choose a lucky day report to lose.

庆功宴会选在吉日举行,以庆祝他们努力的成果。The celebration party will be held on an day to celebrate the of their efforts.

嗯,六月有没有良辰吉日的星期天呢?Well, will there are any sunday in June which fall on a chinese auspicious day?

嗯,六月有没有良辰吉日的星期天呢?Well, will there be any Sunday in June which falls on a Chinese auspicious day?

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“良辰安宅,吉日迁居”,幸福的生活靠勤劳的双手创造!" Most Ataka, auspicious, happy life to" rely on laborious both hands creation!

嗯,六月有没有良辰吉日的星期天呢?。Well, will there is any Sunday in June, which falls on a Chinese auspicious day?

关于水瓶座在每个月份的吉日,有两个数字能够说明。There are 2 numbers to explore the signs of Aquarius as happy lucky days for each month.

今天就是他们的开张吉日,他们准备举办一场隆重的晚宴来庆祝这一日子。This was their grand opening and they were hosting a chic soiree to celebrate the event.

大约正因如此吧,后人便把男女成婚的吉日良辰叫作“星期”。About why it, married men and women generations Bianba auspicious Auspicious called "weeks."

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吉日主要有丁亥日和庚寅日,人们以此为吉善,举行社会活动。So in society, there were some good days and bad days. Good days were Din Hai Day and GenYin Day.

当然,选择最多的还是结婚黄道吉日和开业黄道吉日及搬家吉日。Of course, the choice is still married to the most auspicious day auspicious opening, moving auspicious day.

从拉斯维加斯到新加坡,成千上万的情侣也将参与这一吉日的庆祝活动。Thousands of couples from Las Vegas to Singapore are also joining in the celebration of the auspicious date.