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他昨天穿了一件带风帽的大衣。He worn a coat with a hood yesterday.

琼恩雪诺戴起斗篷上的风帽。Jon Snow raised the hood of his cloak.

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开始下雨时,他就戴上了风帽。He put on his cowl when It'started raining.

我想在大衣上加一个风帽。I would like to have a hood for my overcoat.

她头发烧焦了,带风帽的夹克也烧掉了。Her hair was singed and her anorak was burnt.

几乎每天她都穿着一件土黄色的带风帽的斗蓬。Most every day, she wears an earth tone-colored Jellaba.

他捏紧皮外套上风帽的两边以挡住袭来的飞雪。He held both sides of the parka hood closed against the snow.

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一种8世纪时,妇女披的带风帽的短斗篷,最初用猩红色的布料做成。A short, hooded cloak, originally of scarlet cloth, worn by women in the 8th century.

主导风,进风口,排风口,风口,工作区,倒灌,风帽,挡风板。Prevailing wind, inlet, outlet, vent, operating zone, backward flowing, cap, wind board.

外罩,包括空气通风帽,被可拆卸地安装在外壳的靠近空气入口处。A cover, including an air cowl, is removably mounted to the housing proximate the air inlet.

尼斯洛斯指了指铁杉树下,顺手把他的风帽收紧以抵挡下个不停的雨。Neasloss claims a spot under a hemlock tree and pulls his hood tight against the ceaseless rain.

从风帽到礼帽再到头巾,各个品牌在头顶都做足了工夫。Arrive again to hat from jellaba babushka, each brands are done in the top of head sufficient time.

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他带了一件毛皮里风雪大衣,把它紧紧裹在身上,扯起风帽罩在头上。He had brought a fleece-lined parka and pulled it tightly around him, slipping the hood over his head.

车上的人戴着大风帽,连嘴带鼻子都围在大围脖之内,只露着两个眼。The man was wearing a hood and his mouth and nose were muffled in a large scarf, leaving only his eyes showing.

屋顶瓦、烟囱罩、通风帽、烟囱衬壁、建筑装饰物及其他建筑用陶瓷制品。Roofing tiles, chimney-pots, cowls, chimney liners, architectural ornaments and other ceramic constructional goods.

本召回同样还牵涉到一种有束带、风帽周围镶有软毛、中间絮棉的黑色皮革风帽式夹克衫。This recall also involves a black quilted leather hooded jacket with drawstrings that has fur surrounding the hood.

模拟结果表明,在L型定向风帽流化床中,颗粒存在顺时针方向的循环流动,因此床料的横向混合特性较好。The simulation result indicates that there is clockwise particles circulation in fluidized beds with L-type wind caps.

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JMK款运动衫是可逆超细纤维的,带有摇粒绒衬里,以及带有弹力或伸缩束带的可折装的风帽。The JMK sweatshirts are reversible microfiber with polar fleece lining and a removable hood with elastic or retractable drawstrings.

有着一头漂亮长发的贝蒂.萨德发动了那辆鲜红色高尔夫GTI赛车的引擎,在风帽上,用黄色字体标出了她的姓氏。Betty Saadeh, glamorously coiffed, revs the turbo engine of her bright red Golf GTI, her family name emblazoned on the hood in yellow.

他说,长毛外套、袖口的皮毛设计、鹿皮外套以及袖子和风帽上的仿狼毛装饰都将成为热门单品。Long-haired coats and cuffs, deerskin outerwear, and long wolf-like hair for sleeves and hoods are going to be the hot items, he said.