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拿来主义和修改主义都是违反原创主义的。Both plagiarism and revisionism are doctrines against originalism.

始终是用拿来主义的态度接受的。In regards to foreign popular culture, I always take it and use it.

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本文对“拿来主义”一词老话新说。This article to "brings the principle" a word proverb newly to say.

中国对其它文化的长处实行“拿来主义”的能力无与伦比。China's ability to leverage the assets of other cultures is peerless.

藏族社会发展中,“拿来主义”方法的普适与共享、最快与最优以及特色与保护性特点最有实际借鉴意义。Using the experience of other nations for reference is the best way to develop the Tibetan society.

大多数XRF厂商奉行拿来主义,做的就是组装贴个品牌的工作。Most XRF manufacturers apply Important Cultural Thought, they just do assembly and paste their brands.

他们不总是拿来主义,他们能掌握并综合利用,最终会得出与众不同、独一无二的东西来。They didn’t just adopt, they synthesized and acquired, and the end result was something unique and different.

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昨天的拿来主义---用标准芯片组方案、自己仅写一点应用程序,再利用外观设计,不能延续。Yesterday's solution—a standard chipset, a dash of customized software and eye-catching cosmetics—just won't do.

尤其是拉丁舞的教学,大多都是拿来主义,缺乏对教学方法的思考与探索。Especially in Latin teaching, most of them are used, and the lack of teaching methods of thought and exploration.

不加分辨的拿来主义导致社区组团建设缺乏特色、个性和美感等。The doctrinaire cloning leads to the lack of character, distinction and beauty in housing design and construction.

同时,要学会“拿来主义”,敢于学习、借鉴国外的一些先进经验,用来武装我们的头脑和指导我们的行动。At the same time, to learn "si", to learn and use for reference foreign advanced experience, some of our minds to armed and guide our actions.

在所有的规范下,还有一些不规范的“拿来主义”,这方面的共识和规定还未达成,很多情况下,作为数据源的大公司并不能或者不想他们的信息被每个人看到。But beneath all the kumbayas, there's an awkward dance going on, an unregulated give-and-take of information for which the rules are still being worked out.

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鉴于中、西方政治体制、经济体制,、经济发展水平等多方面存在的差异,不可能实行拿来主义。As the differences between China and the west in political system , economic system, economic development level and the other respects, we couldn't just copy them.

“拿来主义”的西式媒体素养教育理论在台湾政治、经济与文化的环境中“水土不服”。其二、实践中的困境。However, because the media literacy education was based on the theories which derived from western countries, it has turned out to be something unsuitable in Tai- wan.

教改结果的异化包括拿来主义的盛行与对传统教学模式的完全舍弃,并据此提出回归建议。Reform results alienation include that the prevalence of take-ism and absolutely abandon of traditional teaching mode. Based on it, the returned suggestion is put forwarded.

鉴于后现代主义学生观的极端化倾向,有必要对后现代主义学生观持谨严立场,武断抵制盲目的“拿来主义”。In view of extreme tendency of post-modernistic student view, it is necessary for us to hold cautious attitude against the post-modernism, to reject blind "bring-it-here-ism".

那么认知上的局限必然在古代大拿们的思想中体现,所以对于先辈们的思想,要选择的拿,如果盲目的去信仰,就变成了老周说的“拿来主义”,不分糟粕与精华。So the limit is definitely embodied in these ancient philosophers, and their thoughts shall be seletively adopted. If taken them all, it becomes what is the mix of essence and scum.

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鲁迅的拿来主义精神是为了综合提升文化,尼采对文化的态度也是提倡综合。The idea of Lu Xun's "the bringing principle" aims to promote comprehensively the cultural achievements, and Nietzsche's attitude to culture also advocates a comprehensive promotion.

面对好莱坞越演愈烈的“拿来主义”的形势,中国电影人,包括整个东亚的电影人应该如何应对,这成了现如今摆在我们面前的一个严峻的问题。Facing the situation where "take-ism" becomes more and more fierce, it becomes a significant problem that how Chinese movie makers, even the movie makers of whole Asia, confront this situation.

中国百余年图书馆学研究中的“拿来主义”,导致学术原创性的缺失,并使得当今中国的图书馆学研究完全处于低势位的“入超”状态,没有资格对其他国家输出研究成果。It leads to the absence of academic originality and results in the situation that Chinese library science research gets into "import surplus" state and can't export research fruit to other countries.