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这项服务的资费是25乌克兰赫夫米。The rate of the service totals UAH 25.

下面我们就来看看中国电信宽带资费情况。Below we have a look at China Telecom broadband charges.

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由于电信资费越来越便宜,广大手机用户越来越多地使用移动电话。As airtime gets cheaper, the untethered masses tend to use their mobile more.

许多电力公司基于高峰期需求状况来确定工业用户的资费。Many utility vendors set rates for industrial customers based on peak-use patterns.

深圳严查电信邮政资费猫腻。Shenzhen investigates rigorously the fees trick of telecommunication postal service.

大多数手机资费套餐包括固定数量的免费短信或者无限制数量的网内免费短信。Most cellular packages include a batch of free SMS or unlimited texts within networks.

如欲访问互联网,用户可以在登录系统时,签订一个资费服务套餐。If you would like to visit Internet users can login system, signed a postage service package.

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目的是要刺激运营商的竞争,制定漫游资费的新上限。The proposal is seeking to spur competition among providers and put new caps on roaming charges.

要求增加资费以保障教学质量的呼声日益见长。They are increasingly calling for fees to be increased to safeguard the quality of their teaching.

中国移动大幅降低了国际长途和漫游资费,这是中国移动近四年内第二次大幅度下调国际资费。China Mobile has slashed international calling and roaming rates for the 2nd time in nearly four years.

包括莱阳,莱州,蓬莱,龙口,烟台下面的县城一样的资费标准,卡号有限先来就得,后来没有。Including Laiyang, Laizhou, Penglai, Yantai City, the county the same rates, number limited comes first, then No.

最新漳州市电信宽带资费具体几种?价值哪种最低!Concretely, how many grow broadband price of up-to-date Zhang Zhou City telecommunication? Value grow the minimum!

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非基本资费由国务院邮政主管部门规定。Non-basic postal rates shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council.

干细胞疗法资费可达数万美元,但这方面的监管却通常相当松懈,所致后果可能是灾难性的。Treatments can cost tens of thousands of dollars, but regulations are often lax and the consequences can be tragic.

从短期来看,整个方案意味着你在国外打电话或发短信时,资费更低了。The whole package means in the short term that you will pay lower prices when phoning abroad or when texting abroad.

有关中国电信宽带资费情况,大家在使用宽带之前对此一定想了解透彻再来决定。About China Telecom broadband charges, everyone in the use of broadband before must want to understand again decided.

市场竞争促进了电信技术的进步,电信业务资费的下降和服务的提高。Market competition advanced the technology of telecom, declined the price of telecom and improved the telecom service.

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资费上限标准暂按现行资费标准执行。The maximum standards for the aforesaid charges shall be temporarily implemented according the current charging standards.

微软表示,这一损失主要是由于在线图片广告平均资费的大幅度降低。Microsoft said the loss in its ad sales division was due to the significant decline of average rates in display advertising.

因此让用户充分理解资费套餐的规则,选对适合自己的套餐就显得非常重要了。So it is very important to make users fully understand the set of charges rules to select their own suitable price packet service.