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四个按钮的袖口。Four-button cuffs.

松紧下摆和袖口。Elasticized hem and cuffs.

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我解开了我的袖口。I unbuttoned my shirt cuffs.

罗纹袖口,甚至缝下摆。Ribbed cuffs, even-sewn hem.

可调袖口钩环。Adjustable hook-and-loop cuffs.

从脚踝到袖口的针织罗纹。Knit ribbing from ankle to cuff.

这些皮革腕子袖口是1。These Leather wrist cuffs are 1?

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袖口有魔术贴的皮带扣。The wristband has a velcro strap clasp.

这些皮革腕子袖口是1。“宽。These Leather wrist cuffs are 1?" wide."

领子要挺,袖口要扣好。Collar to be pretty, to be buttoned cuffs.

袖口层层菏叶边优雅浪漫。Cuff He leaf edges elegant romance layers.

三针缝合,下摆和袖口。Triple-needle stitching at hem and sleeves.

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测量从肩缝到袖口。Measured from the shoulder seam to the cuff.

宽袖孔、窄袖口的袖子。A sleeve with a large armhole and tight cuff.

我的向导在他的袖口上缝有几个银铃。My guide has silver bells sewn to his sleeve.

钩环紧固件的可调式袖口。Adjustable cuffs with hook-and-loop fasteners.

袖口链扣、领扣和脱卸式衣领。Cufflinks collar studs and detachable collars.

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她给连衣裙的领口和袖口镶边。She braided the neckline and cuffs of the dress.

雨衣的袖口扣得紧紧的。The cuffs of the raincoat are tightly buckled up.

阿圆扭着我的袖口,只是向着兰花的两只眼睛瞪看。Gripping my sleeve Ahyuan stared into Orchid's eyes.