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谷歌需要奋起直追。It is up to Google to catch up.

看涨者认为,股市不久将奋起直追。A catch-up is imminent, say the bulls.

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优秀的人物当成自己的榜样,奋起直追。We should learn from the examples of excellent people and try to catch them up.

中国软件出口要转变观念、发挥优势、奋起直追。China should change concepts, play out advantages and do all it can to catch up in software export.

那些希望接过谷歌的枪、成为百度主要挑战者的搜索引擎,还将需要奋起直追。Those hoping to take on Google's mantle as Baidu's main challenger will need to get their skates on.

我想要的是,美国能够奋起直追,迎接挑战,甚至找到与中国合作的方法。It means being alive to the challenge we are up against and even finding ways to cooperate with China.

但真正的变革还在后头,因为人类的经济、社会、法律等各个体系正奋起直追。But the real transformation comes later, as human systems—economic, social, legal—struggle to catch up.

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虽然电子支付目前还处于起步阶段,但不难想象它将奋起直追,成为一种常见的支付方式。Though still in its infancy, it isn't hard to imagine digital payments catching on and becoming commonplace.

我把脚下的路看得一清二楚,于是奋起直追,曾经为难我的树木、枝条如今似乎已不成障碍。By visualizing my way, I gave chase, and the trees and branches that had con-fused me before now seemed no obstacle.

蔡振华为其他奋起直追的国家点燃了希望之光,他指出成功应该伴随着责任。One glimmer of hope for the chasing nations is offered by Cai Zhenhua, who said success carries with it responsibility.

事实上,一旦阿拉伯国家开放了,人民有可以相信的政府了,他们的经济就一定会奋起直追。Once Arab countries' borders open up and their governments become accountable to their citizens, they are likely to grow faster.

20世纪以来,亚洲国家励精图治、奋起直追,重返经济发展的快车道。Starting from the 20th century, Asian countries have made unyielding efforts to catch up and return to the fast track of economic development.

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卡霍和鲁尔坚持认为,尽管存在种种阻碍,但随着发展中国家向美国等发达国家奋起直追,它们在经济增长上可以实现质的飞跃。The economists argue that despite the handicaps, developing nations can make big leaps in growth as they catch up with countries like the U. S.

上赛季,利物浦在落后的情况下奋起直追,击败了米德尔斯堡、曼联、曼城和维冈竞技,为自己打了个漂亮的翻身仗。Last season Liverpool stirred whenever they fell behind, overturning deficits to beat the likes of Middlesbrough, United, Manchester City and Wigan Athletic.

国王队已经习惯从落后中奋起直追获得胜利了,但是他们这次可能没那么幸运了,因为他们的下个敌人不好对付。The Sacramento Kings have rallied from sizable deficits in each of their consecutive victories. The Kings might not be as fortunate if they fall too behind their next opponent.

德国人在后半赛季奋起直追,最终在车手积分榜上占据第八,领先他的队友布尔戴有31分。A string of points-paying finishes in the second half of the season saw the German finish eighth in the drivers' championship, 31 points ahead of his team-mate Sebastien Bourdais.

即使是小事情都很顺利,其它球队意识到了这一点因为有些比赛我们曾经落后,然后奋起直追就像什么都没发生一样。Even the small things are going well and the other teams realise this because there have been some matches in which we have fallen behind and then come back as if nothing had happened.