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他有60开外了。He is over sixty.

二十码开外,他回望了。Twenty yards away, he glanced back.

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他现在谅必四十开外了。He must be on the wrong side of 40 by now.

最终,它坠毁于离岸边几码地开外的海里。It crashed in the sea, a few yards from the shore.

罗伯特·菲斯克和约翰·辛普森都已60开外。Robert Fisk and John Simpson are in their mid-60s.

贝贝托在距球门30米开外凌空抽射。Bebeto volleyed the ball 30 metres away from the net.

数百公里开外,是一处海滨和几处小码头。A shore and a few marinas are a few hundred meters away.

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它呆在几米开外的地方,围着弗朗索瓦小心翼翼地兜圈子。He kept a few metres away and circled around Franois carefully.

克拉伦斯今年已经七十开外,他继续从事艺术设计和创作。Now in his 70s, Clarence Lee continues to design and create art.

绊人犯规犯规队被判罚10码开外的点球。Tripping results in a 10-yard penalty against the offending team.

一个四十开外的女人站在男孩正后方。A woman more than a little of 40 was standing right behind the boy.

这是我开的第一家餐厅。我以前在閙区是开外卖店的。This is my first restaurant. I used to own a take-out shop in downtown.

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可能,这就是为什么旋风式约会被受40开外年龄者广受欢迎的原因。Perhaps that is why speed dating seems to appeal more to singles over 40.

坎比亚索用手阻挡对方的传递,卡利亚里赢得一个25米开外的任意球。Free kick to Cagliari 25 yards out after Cambiasso handles a Rossoblu pass.

他看见二十来步开外处,有一个脸蛋白嫩、样子放任不羁的女人。He saw twenty paces away the white soft face and independent look of a woman.

待北军冲到距离自己二十步开外,墙后的守兵才开始射杀他们。And they let the Federals come as near as twenty paces before shooting them down.

就在你下方,不过是在50英里开外的,是一片你能想象到的最荒凉的不毛之地。Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.

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2米开外的大力射门,克里斯蒂安飞身救险,挽救了战局,是的,那次扑救也保住了我们的联赛冠军!!!A missile shot from 2 meters and Christian managed to dive and save the day and the title! ! !

跟绵延无际的大草原不同的是,现在住的地方每几英尺开外就有一圈七英尺高的木栅栏。Here, in place of rolling grasslands, there was a seven-foot-high wooden fence a few feet away.

我们抵达森林里的一个开阔地,在这里可以看到一公里半开外的地方。As we reached a clearing in the forest, we were able to see forward up to a kilometer-and-a-half.