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外加“一口价”出售也是免费的。Plus add a Buy It Now for free.

外加反向电压至闸极G。Apply a reverse voltage to gate G.

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通过一个组件外加一个样式名。Through a component plus a style name.

总共是七元九角五分,外加税。It comes to seven ninety-five with tax.

外加阳极就构成了三极管。Extra anode was added to make up a triode.

外加它对第三方插件而言是完全开放的。Plus it's fully open for 3rd party add-ons.

一句“新年好”,外加一句“谢谢”,霍达哭了。A "new year", plus a "thank you", Huo Da cried.

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撒上一些鹰嘴豆,作为外加的材料。Throw on some chickpeas for additional texture.

它睡了整晚,外加第二天的大半个白天。He slept all that night and most of the next day.

每次见到妳,我就小鹿乱撞外加头晕目眩。My heart leaps and I feel dizzy whenever I see you.

每天早晨拿上一两袋杂粮团,外加一个旅行杯装的脱脂牛奶就可以轻松上路了!Grab a couple with a travel cup of skim milk and go!

尝试订一份健康的开胃食品外加一碗汤或一份沙拉。Try ordering a healthy appetizer plus soup or salad.

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收回创始费用外加估算利息。recovering the initial outlay plus imputed interest.

接受这份工作意味着得到工资外加膳宿。Getting the job means receiving wages plus room and board.

或者,更准确地说,我被肋骨挨的一肘子、外加耳边的呼喊吵醒了。Or, rather, by an elbow in the ribs and a voice in my ear.

“光着身子,外加有人把你的头砸开了瓢,”我妈说。“Naked, plus somebody blammed you in the head, ” says Mom.

初恋是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。First love is a littler foolishness and a lot of curiosity.

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乐观地说,鄙人也就是个大龄少女外加早期女光棍。Optimism that I was a woman older girls plus early forties.

中国教育失败可耻外加性无能。The Chinese education fails shameful in addition inability.

我送了她一张生日卡,外加一束花。I sent her a birthday card, together with a bunch of flowers.