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牛反刍它的食物。A cow ruminates its food.

牛反刍所吃的食物。A cow ruminates its food.

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全被那些反刍的害人虫给毁了。That was denuded by these ruminant pests.

牛吃完草后开始反刍。The cow began to ruminate after eating up grass.

创作对于王秀雯而言是一种反刍,之于当下、之于自身。Creation is a continued rumination of herself for Wang.

河马不反刍,这意味着他们不咀嚼反刍。Hippos do not ruminate, which means that they do not chew their cud.

如果回答是“不”,那么你也仅是在欣赏一种“反刍”事实的能力。If not, then you may simply appreciate an ability to regurgitate facts.

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他的成功标准就是学生反刍事实数据的能力。His measure of success is his students' capacity to regurgitate factual data.

思绪反刍就像一个卡住了的唱片,不停播放重复的歌词。Ruminating is like a record that’s stuck and keeps repeating the same lyrics.

适用于淀粉含量高的原料膨化,如玉米、大米、反刍饲料等。Suitable for extruding starchy feedstuffs, e. g. corn, rice, and ruminant feed etc.

“单身汉”则相反,绝大部分时间用于采食、休息和反刍,基本上没有发情行为。Matings are skewed in proportion to the amount of time a stag invests in rut activities.

和牛一样亦属于反刍类动物有羊、鹿、羚羊、长颈鹿等。Along with the buffaloes, sheep, deer, antelopes and giraffes are also members of ruminants.

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这种疾病还与感染反刍类动物的羊瘙痒病的分化蛋白有关。This disorder has been associated with consumption of SCRAPIE infected ruminant derived protein.

摄入牧草的数量和质量对家畜的反刍时间有重要影响。The mount and quality of the foraged plants can significantly influence the time spent ruminating.

本研究为小反刍兽疫重组山羊痘疫苗的产业化提供了参考。This study established a foundation for the industrialization of the PPRV recombinant GPV vaccine.

大气中大量的甲烷——温室气体最有害的成分之一——就来源于牛反刍时喷出的胀气。Much of the methane in the atmosphere—one of the worst greenhouse gases—comes from cattle belching.

主动地顺服的典型行为最初是由幼狼致使成年狼反刍时,地位较低的成年狼会做出此种举动。The behaviors typical of active submission are first used by pups to elicit regurgitation in adults.

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这一切都点燃反刍和鼓动压力荷尔蒙保持在兴奋状态,我们永远。All this rumination and agitation ignites stress hormones that keep us in a state of perpetual arousal.

狗或其他的肉身动物是终宿主,而羊或其他的反刍性动物是中间宿主。Dogs or other carnivores are definitive hosts, whereas sheep or other ruminants are intermediate hosts.

现在,藉著他的致命镰刀与死灵术,杜丁成为了反刍者中最危险的战士之一。With his deadly sickle and necromancy, Dutin becomes one of the most dangerous warriors in Ruminater now.