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冰把泥土冻实了。Ice bound the earth.

由理生是一块泥土。Urizen is a clod of clay!

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她生长在泥土里面。She grows inside the dirt.

您泥土中的养料。The nutriment of your mud.

这泥土需翻松。The earth wants digging up.

泥土黑润肥沃。The soil was damp and black.

这能够使泥土更快变干。This will help dry the soil.

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我们放泥土在矩形碟子里面。We put dirt in square trays.

泥土已经弄脏了他的短袜。the mud had soiled his socks.

他小心翼翼地将泥土拭去。He dabbed the mud carefully off.

请用泥土填满这个坑。Please fill the hole with earth.

很快地将泥土一铲一铲地铲起来。Quickly I shoveled in the clods.

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矿工从泥土里提取黄金。A miner extracts gold from earth.

播种子时闻一闻泥土的气息。Smell the soil as you plant seeds.

夫妇一条心,泥土变黄金。A couple of one mind, mud into gold.

一半埋入泥土中的卡车是掩体。A dummy is half truck in the ground.

矿工从泥土里提炼黄金。A miner extracts gold from the earth.

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泥土干后容易刷掉。Mud brushes off easily when it's dry.

这个地区以泥土肥饶著称。This area is noted for its rich soil.

土萤虫在泥土中摸索着The glow worm while exploring the dust