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“不,”我用嘶哑的声音大喊着。"No!" I croaked.

“对不起。”他用嘶哑的嗓子说。"Excuse me, " he said hoarsely.

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演讲者讲得声音都嘶哑了。The speaker talked himself hoarse.

他那粗重嘶哑的嗓音传入了我的耳中。His gruff hoarse voice struck my ears.

老师以嘶哑的声音说话。The teacher speaks wtih a husky voice.

我吮吸出一只兔子的痛苦,嘶哑而细弱的痛苦。I sucked the throaty thin woe of a rabbit

“有证据吗?”他嘶哑着声音说。There is evidence?" He hoarsely the voice."

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“没有,我没有,”那人嘶哑地低声说。"No, I'm not, " the man whispered hoarsely.

同学们手牵手嘶哑地歌唱。Hand in hand classmates sing themselves hoarse.

持续性嘶哑,干咳,痰中带血。Persistent hoarseness, dry cough, blood in phlegm.

他们喊,喊,直到他们的声音变得嘶哑。They shout and shout until their voices become hoarse.

雅克三号贪婪地读着,嗓门嘶哑。"A. M. ! " croaked Jacques Three, as he read greedily.

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这样他就可以着凉,嗓子就可以有些嘶哑。So that he could catch cold and become a little hoarse.

嘶哑的哼声和叫声是中毒的特征。The hoarse grunt or squeal is characteristic of toxicity.

我嗓子仍然嘶哑,连说声“谢谢”都很勉强。I was still so hoarse I could barely squeak out Thank you.

院子里,一个嘶哑的女低音在吟诵赞美诗。Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn.

患者短期内出现发声嘶哑及呼吸困难。Hoarseness and dyspnea usually appeared in the early stage.

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“天啊,”他发出嘶哑的声音,“人们仅仅为了一小点汽油就失去亲人。People lost their fathers and sons for a little bit of fuel.

声门区狭窄有不同程度的发音嘶哑。There were different phonetic hoarseness of glottic stenosis.

我太需要你了,爱丽诺,“贴着她柔软的嘴,他嘶哑低声说。”I need you so, Eleanor, " he whispered huskily at her soft mouth."