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在他们脚下震荡,姑娘与纳粹要员And gapes at their feet as the girl and a high-up Nazi

帽子也很时尚,也是必不可缺的,因为要员受阳光的伤害。Hats are also very fashionable and necessary too, for protection from the sun.

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胡锦涛此行携多位中国政治、经济、金融界要员,代表团阵容可观。There are many Chinese top brasses on politics, economy and finance in this delegation.

众多明星和要员的到场和精彩的文艺节目使得这次世界共同文化遗产盛事令人瞩目。All came together for one night to highlight the world's cultural gems and shared heritage.

它机构冗杂,军官要员放任自满,靠穆巴拉克的资助供养已经脑满肠肥。It is bloated and its officer core is indulged, having been fattened on Mubarak's patronage.

它机构冗杂,军官要员放任自满,靠穆巴拉克的资助供养已经脑满肠肥。It is bloated and its officer core is indulged, having been fattened on Mubarak’s patronage.

第二天,教皇对他的要员说,“我有一个好消息和一个坏消息要告诉你们。The following day, the Pope said to all his officials, "I have some good news and some bad news.

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十五世纪末叶,咖啡传到欧洲,梵蒂冈要员纷纷主张把这种饮料斥为魔鬼之物。In the late 1500s, coffee had reached Europe, and Vatican officials were clamouring to condemn it as Satanic.

蔡英文被认为是民进党参选下一任总统的候选人,同为候选人的还有曾是陈水扁要员的苏文昌。Ms Tsai has been hailed as a DPP candidate for the presidency, as has Su Tseng-chang, who served under Mr Chen.

智利的左右两派政治要员表示,国会最后无论如何也得解决这个有关教育的争议。Chile's political leaders on the right and left both say that the education debate will have to be resolved in Congress.

彼得•金,美国国会众议院国土安全委员会要员,称该男子被确认为三度烧伤。Peter King, who sits on the US House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, said the suspect had third-degree burns.

近日由内地要员发动有关爱国的讨论,经已明显动摇香港市民对中央政府的信心。The recent controversy on patriotism ignited by authorities in the Mainland has taken its toll, on the Central Government itself.

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在法国,从政府要员到作家、教授乃至普通黎民,险些都有爱书和念书的习惯。In France, from government officials to writer, professors and ordinary people, almost all have love books and the habit of reading.

1934年定名为“迎宾馆”,成为接待国内外军政要员的重要馆舍。In 1934, it was formally renamed "Guest House", and has become important as a retreat to receive VIPs in military affairs and politics.

这是雇佣董事的一般做法,尽管雇佣的董事跟公司的业务没有关系,但他们跟公司要员的社交关系不错。This is typically done by hiring directors who, although they may have no business ties to the company, are socially close to its top brass.

萨科齐此次率领的代表团阵容"豪华",除几位内阁要员外,还有法国名列前20名的跨国集团总裁。A high-level delegation accompanying Sarkozy includes several cabinet members and presidents of the country's top 20 multi-national corporations.

出于防范起见,我建议,那些竭力和北京方面攀关系的外交官和政府要员们,最好还是想想伊索的这则寓言吧。To guard against it, diplomats and commanders entrusted with managing relations with Beijing might keep Aesop’s fable in the backs of their minds.

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4月21日韩国声称已经逮捕了两名北朝鲜特务,并称他们是被派来暗杀一位叛逃至韩国的原北朝鲜要员的。On April 21st South Korea said it had arrested two northern agents who, it claimed, had been sent to assassinate a prominent defector to the south.

但海伦毫不动摇地相信,这与姑娘家出嫁一样地简单而且自然,这信心便也对要员起了作用。But Ellen's unfaltering confidence in asserting that it was a matter as simple and natural as the marriage of an unmarried girl had its effect on him too.

几十年来,他们一直试图抓住政府中的要员,而他们的影响力也逐渐扩展到这个国家近三分之一的领土。In the decades of trying to seize power from the government, however, their influence extended over a vast territory-at one time one third of the country.