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经验和信念。Experiences and beliefs.

凭我的经验来讲。I speak from experience.

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但我没有经验。But I have no experience.

你的经验是什么?What was your experience?

那就意味着经验。And that means experience.

我从经验得知这一点的。I know this by experience.

不超过我的经验范围。It's within my experience.

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她需要更多的经验。She meeds more experience.

有酒店筹备期工作经验。Has pre-opening experience.

每次给小孩子剪头发都是一次紧张的经验。It's an intense experience.

个人萨托经验。Personal satori experiences.

具有出口贸易经验。Experience in export business.

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这是非凡的经验。It's a supernormal experience.

缺乏经验与简单性。Inexperience versus simplicity.

对于超级少经验的我是这样的说的。Super-cool experience, I'd say.

经验使人心胸开阔。The mind expands with experience.

他选择经验什么就是什么。What he chose to then experience.

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经验不高才怪。Experience no Gao is fair strange.

像其他人学习经验。Experiential learning from others.

请问你有没有到过骨灰龛场的经验?。Have you ever been to columbarium?