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这是一颗荔枝。It's a lychee.

这是一个荔枝。This is a lychee.

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我要一些荔枝。I want some lichees.

除了荔枝我知道的多着呢。I know more than lychees.

不要吃太多荔枝。Don't eat too many lychees.

吃荔枝过敏了,怎么办?。Take litchi allergy, how to do?

他所指的是番荔枝。He was talking about the cherimoya.

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这就是毛叶番荔枝。He was talking about the cherimoya.

干荔枝、干大枣各7枚。Dry litchi, dry jujube each 7 rockets.

西非荔枝果是牙买加的国果。Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica.

荔枝和榴莲是较新的口味。Lichee and durian fruit are newer flavors.

“我还要一个荔枝。”他说道。"I'd like another lychee, please" he said.

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我喜欢荔枝果冻和所有荔枝味的食物。I like litchi jelly and all litchi taste food.

美味的荔枝深得杨贵妃的喜爱。Yang Guifei liked the sweet litchis very much.

很多人在荔枝公园看他跳舞。Many people saw him dancing in the Lychee Park.

荔枝是一种源自中国东南部的一种热带水果。Lychee is a tropical fruit from southeast China.

荔枝还是一种很不错的水果,味道还是很甜的。Lychee is a very good fruit, taste is still sweet.

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要治口臭症中国家常菜中国家常菜,荔枝与粥炖。To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer.

在挑选荔枝的时候要注意两点小窍门。There are two knacks to note in the Litchi selection.

哦,最后还要买些荔枝和蜜瓜。Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with.