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迪克被开除了。Dick was dismissed.

塔克特说他确实被开除。Tackett said he was fired.

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违者将被开除。Violator will be dismissed.

一年后他被开除了。He flunked out a year later.

他们把汤姆开除出校。They removed Tom from school.

我们被告知这家伙会给开除。We were told he was cashiered.

他被开除出了俱乐部。He was drummed out of the club.

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老板威胁要开除她。Her boss threatened to fire her.

你没有被茱莉亚音乐学院开除。You don't drop out of Juilliard.

他由于不诚实而被开除了。He was discharged for dishonesty.

是否她和NBC现在应该开除摩根呢?Should she and NBC now fire Morgan?

阿丹因为行为不端被开除。Dan was fired because he misbehaved.

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如果开除了老李,他可怎么办呢?If Lao Li is fired, what will he do?

她因考试不及格而被哥伦比亚大学开除了。She bilged out of Columbia University.

你再迟一次,你就会被开除?。Arrive late once more and you're fired.

约翰因违抗命令而被开除。John was dismissed for insubordination.

于是他被探险队开除了。So he was expelled from the expedition.

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你本可以将他开除出这个团队。You could have gotten him off the team.

沙普顿表示他希望艾默斯被开除。Sharpton says he wants Imus to be fired.

该消息被泄露之后,乔伯斯便开除了伯耐特。After the news leaked, Jobs fired Benett.